Chapter 26 - It's Official

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Bam! Gotcha all real good now time to let y'all know what happens from that Cyrus and Zach cliffhanger it left off on last chapter. Refresher: Cyrus turns around to see Zach with a gun held up to his face.

Cyrus' P.O.V.

The next thing I knew Zach had pulled the trigger and out shot, a strange dark substance.

I held up my hands in front of my face trying to block the ransid smeeling liquid he was soaking me with from his water gun.

Crazy thing was this was not water in the toy gun, I don't know what it is, but I don't need to know that to know that it is disgusting.

I scream, "Stop!" from the cover of my own hand, however this does not get Zach to stop like I want him to.

It got everywhere, all up in my face and hair, the next of my shirt till about halfway down was drenched and the smell was god awful.

I don't think I even want to know what was in there.

The bigger issue here is how embarrassing this whole thing is, luckily there was hardly anyone else around, unless they are hiding in the bushes and trees waiting to pop out and spray me.

Running was hopeless, Zach had just chased me continueing soaking me in what I can only imagine is something horribly gross like sewer water.

I don't think it could be sewer water though this was much, thicker and slimeir, it was some nasty gunk.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I regrettably moved my hands away from my eyes to see for only a split second, to be covered in the unknown substance.

It got in my eyes and, man did it not feel pleasant, I wiped at my eyes, swiping trying to get it off so I could see.

I did what any blinded person would do, I dropped to the ground and the spraying had stopped.

Grass, that was the answer I plucked the Earth below me with my bare hands using it rub against my face.

It was nothing short of a miracle that it had worked marvelous, I could see again.

Everything was all here, except for one thing.


He was just gone, nowhere to be seen.

It was about time for me to go home and I guess I need to now that I'm covered in this mystery substance.

I sniffed it with my hand it was horrible like expired milk, with mayonnaise that was sunbathing mixed with some rotten eggs.

In other words it was god awful and unbearable.

While I walked home I kept flinging my arms and hands making it fly off leaving a trail of where I was going; hey at least it was making it come off.

Occasionally I would stop and shake my head when I felt it hardening, Oh gosh what if my hair falls out.

I have no clue what he put in there, that means that virtually anything could be in there.

What if he pissed in it, ew whatever the fuck this shit is I need to clean it off and probably bleach the stained shower afterwards.

When I opened the door, Jonah's head spun around and he yelled, "Cyrus - What happened to you?"

I rushed through, right to the bathroom, but before going in I answered him, "Zach happened, I was walking at the park and then that diptard jumped out of nowhere and sprayed me with this junk".

"Awe god it smells bad"
"Thanks, I haven't noticed" I replied harshly and closed the door, turning on the shower water, and stripping down to nothing.

Jyrus - Jonah's ProblemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora