Chapter 10 - A Splendid Day

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Only took 9 chapters for Cyrus and Jonah to become each others boyfriend. I promise it won't take that long for the rest of the Jyrus story to happen. This story was taking so long so I am deciding to not really have other sideline stories like Andi's POV when it is not about Cyrus or Jonah. The Jyrus ship has took off full speed ahead, so enjoy the story.

Cyrus's P.O.V.

Sunday morning, the first day after the best day of my life.

Everything just felt so perfect and wonderful, like it was washed over with joy.

I have witnessed what no boy should ever have to see, his dead mother.

I have been getting bullied just because of who I love.

But none of that was important now or could ruin this magnificent day.

I no longer try to focus on the past instead on the present, so my future will not be a repeat of my past.

I sat up on my bed looking at the sunlight shining through the window, just enjoying life.

I got almost half of the day to spend with Jonah.

I grabbed my phone while yawning to text Jonah.

It was 8:21, strange it seemed a lot later than that.

Jonah And Cyrus's Texts

Cyrus - Good morning :)

Jonah - I guess it is a good morning...

Cyrus - Aww what's wrong, please tell me?

Jonah - Remember when I told you about my mom leaving home, well she is still not back and isn't going to be ;'(

Cyrus - You're not alone, Buffy is not living with either of her parents, and Andi's dad is dead, as for me my mom died.

Jonah - How do you get over it?

Cyrus - You can't :(

Jonah - ?

Cyrus - I have this feeling of emptiness that used to harness my moms love, that is now buried deep inside me that comes to surface once in a while.

Jonah - I hope that I can help you fill that emptiness with love again. I wish for my mom to come back, but I know that she isn't going to.

Cyrus - I hope so too. Have you tried contacting you mom?

Jonah - Not really.

Cyrus - I strongly suggest that you should.

Jonah - Okay, I will. Pretty soon Andi, Buffy, and I will be going to the spoon for a get together, and we need you there with us.

Cyrus - I would love to come, just that I can't, my stepmom is taking me shopping. I can do something with you afterwards.

Jonah - Dang, it won't be the same without you, also I am down with doing something later.

Cyrus - I am sorry that I can not go with you guys.

Jonah - Me too. Cya later.

Cyrus - Bye, have fun.

Cyrus's P.O.V.

I ate a quick breakfast since my stepmom was wanting us to leave early for whatever reason.

At the mall we went to almost every store they had.

I was thrilled at how much I had gotten.

I have never been so delighted getting clothes before.

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