Chapter 17 - Love Is A Art

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OMG "We're On Cloud Nine" was such a spectacular episode I loved it so much. Jandi free for 8 weeks and here comes Bex/Bowie till the unexpected guests arrive at the proposal dinner.

Buffy's P.O.V.

I called Andi up to my room to try out my plan to prank her.

Andi called back "Be up there in just a bit!"

Oh my god I was jumping in my skin I am so pumped for this.

I don't even know how to act when coming out, darn hopefully I can think of something and quick before Andi gets up here.

Got it, I think I can explain to her my crush and hopefully she will think I am talking about her.

Crap I think I can hear Andi coming (-;)-) I can't be lookin- all excited and junk.

Exhaling heavily trying to act as normal and natural as possible.

Why is it so hard to act normal when you need to the most?

Huh maybe my nervousness will help play my part better and sell it to her.

Just seeing Andi's unsuspecting face entering the room was too much for me, I quickly sat on the other side of the bed facing away from her.

She asks, "What's wrong Slayer?"

I coldly reply, "One that nickname I'm not on the team anymore and that is like putting salt in the wound and two I might be stuck in the same boat as Cyrus was"

Much to my surprise Andi was polite for once and didn't try to make me face or look at her cause if she did my expressions surely would give it away.

I felt the bed sink down behind me and her ask, "Sorry about the name. Shame such a great nickname has to go to waste. What exactly do you mean by the Cyrus boat thing I'm not understanding one bit"

It was hard to make up everything this fast so I went with some of my real feelings, "I mean Cyrus had a crush on somebody who he thought the odds were against them"

If I could see Andi's face right now I bet she'd have on her famous processing face because we all know how long it takes her to process things through her simple head.

"Wait are you saying you have a crush on someone and your doubtful of you two dating?"

Stating the obvious in a nice tone, "That's exactly what I am saying"

"Well can you tell me more about this crush of yours?"

Tapping a finger on my bottom lip trying of concentrate in my wording, "Well they are super kind and thoughtful and they are unique and are crafty in more ways than one"

I got done but it seemed like Andi tried to cut me off, "This person sounds a awful lot like me"

Trying to hold back laughter I thank the lord one last time that she can't see me.

Andi continued sounding dead like and just over everything and done with life, "It's because it is me...isn't it?"

I shocked myself by what my mind subconsciously said, "Mhm it's near impossible to not fall for a girl like you"

Andi was in denial of all this, "But Buffy listen to yourself you are going out of your mind. You can't like me! What are you trying to do here? Ruin our friendship? Huh?"

Whoa was not expecting that bombshell I honestly don't know who could like someone anything like her.

It is a more than great thing that I don't actually like her, but the real thing is do I stop now or keep going?

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