Chapter 22 - It Did Get Better

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Eek! The Jyrus continues... sorta. Ugh so you people wanna see Andi now on her stands on gay people? And wanting to know what ever happened to Bryan and Zach, (*Coughs* What about Gavin?)? Well we just have to see about all that sideline story stuff ;) For now I'm thinking just ya know, JYRUS!

Jonah's P.O.V.

"You got a little something there" I tell the messy donut eater beside me, while in the school's parking lot.

"Where?" Cyrus asks touching his face smearing chocolate from his lip to his cheek.

"Right there", I swipe it the best I can off with my finger and quickly suck it off.

"Aye, I was saving that for later"

"Fine you can have it back", I used this as a excuse to kiss him, of course none of the donut remnants got into his mouth as I had already swallowed them.

"Jonah?", he ask looking out the windshield of the truck.


He points forward, "Is that...?"

I nod my head, "It is"; on the sidewalk a small distance ahead there is two females pushing a baby stroller.

They looked like they were married and that was their kid.

Cyrus asks, "Will we ever be like that?"

"Taking our child out in this cold morning? No, we'd be smarter than that"

He looks back over to me, "Not what I meant. Do you think we would ever have a kid?"

"Slow your roll babe, we aren't even married yet"

Cyrus giggled, "Yet? I like the sound of that"

"Me too. Now stop hogging all the donuts"

He holds open the box presenting them to me, "I was not, you made me hold them"

"Let's not talk about that", I tell him grabbing a cream filled long john with rainbow sprinkles.

He sits there watching me eat like I am some kind of monster, with food still in my mouth I ask, "What is it?"

He stops starring, "Nothing, it's just you eat a lot of those. You better be hitting the gym twice as much as now"

"I'm not going to get fat, if anyone it'd be you. Shall I bring up your chocolate stash?"

"Yeah second, thought let's not. Maybe I wouldn't need that much chocolatey goodness if you would fill me up"

I wasn't understanding his inquiry, was this another small dick joke?

Whatever it is, it is something sexual related, "You never want to do any of the fun stuff".

Cyrus shook his head back and forth, "Jonah we have very different opinions on what fun is. I fail to see how, having you pound my bottom would be anywhere close to as much fun as watching you try to win me every stuffed dinosaur there is at the carnival".

"Well if you would ever let me do it, I'd be able to show you how much fun sex can be. About that dinosaur thing, you sure as hell wouldn't be able to win it for yourself"

Cyrus defensively said, "I so could... if you would ever let me try instead of insisting on letting you win it for me", while I took another bite of my donut.

I could see it, one day having a baby with him, Cyrus would be the perfect dad, except for when it comes to punishing them, I can't see Cyrus punishing our kid, he'd be like, 'No, they learned their lesson. A punishment just sounds necessary'

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