Chapter 15 - With You All The Way

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Forgot to mention, my school doesn't have GSA so I know nothing about how they function so yeah we all have to suffer through them when I attempt to write about them.

Jonah's P.O.V.

Thursday morning I exclaim, "Hey CyGuy" patting his back.

"Fffhh ow!" he fast as lightning shot out of the way.

"What I barely even touched you?" whats Cyrus' problem?

"My back is still extremely sore from, last night" he turned looking down at the ground.

"What happened last night?" he stayed looking down at the ground like it was the world's most entertaining movie.

Did his dad hurt him again?

Stepping closer, "Cyrus, did your dad do this to you?" in response the boy just nodded yes.

I put my hand under his chin and tilted his head up to look at me, he didn't look too good.

I tell him inches from his face, "Why don't you come and spend the night with me?"

Crouching down he said "I can't" as stressed out as can be.

Remembering what he text me last night that he's not allowed to see me anymore, "Oh yeah...Seriously though call your stepdad, you guys can surely work something out"

"I will"


"I don't know?"

"How 'bout tonight?"

"I can't"
"Cyrus yes you can, do it please. I hate seeing my boyfriend hurt"

He gives up, "Fine"

I wish Cyrus could have my dad so he could finally get the acceptance he deserves, he is literally the poster child of gayness.

Poor Cyrus, like I hated myself for being gay and Cyrus never hated himself....I think anyways now I'm learning it's okay and I should love myself while Cyrus on the other hand is learning quite the opposite.

I Just wanna lay down with a big fluffy blanket and hold onto him forever and not let anyone ever hurt him again.

Sadly in this case I can't really do anything but sit and watch him suffer as nothing I could do would stop his dad.

At lunch Andi didn't sit with us she was probably to busy being jealous of what Cyrus gots...a boyfriend.

I for real don't even care about Andi anymore, she's not who I thought she was.

Buffy also wasn't sitting with us because she didn't wanna have Andi excluded so she went with her.

"Can we sit" a small group of three guys that we all seen at the GSA yesterday asked.

"Of course"

"Thanks", they all sat down facing me and Cyrus.

"No problem", Cyrus just awkwardly waved at the new members of our table.

The one in the middle asked, "So is this the gay kids club"

Cyrus just chuckled and said, "Looks like it, so I guess it is"

I ask, "Gavin right?"

He looked shocked I payed attention enough to remember, "Yeah and this is Bryan and Zach" pointing to the boys left and right of him.

I decided to introduce myself and Cyrus just incase they don't remember, "Well I'm Jonah and this is Cyrus"

Zach responded, "We know you two were a pretty big talk of the school"

Jyrus - Jonah's ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now