Forty Three (Clark)

Start from the beginning

"Well, aren't you curious about him too? I mean, he shares too many similarities with Peter, your cousin. Maybe, Teo is just..." James asked.

"He's curious why they are so alike, yeah, I know that." Damien replied sarcastically again. "Isn't he over Peter yet? Does that guy remind him of Peter so much that he started missing Peter? What if he started to like that guy too? What if he...? Ouch!" Damien complained as I squeezed his wounded hand.

"You're an idiot. You were jealous and insecure and you lashed out of Teo. God, Damien, it's like you don't know how sensitive Teo is. Remember what happened the last time you had a misunderstanding after your accident?" I reminded him.

"Yeah... He thought I hated him, and..."

"So do you want the same thing to happen again?" I asked him. "I mean, my goodness, how can you be so moody? Look at this mess you made." I said as I cleaned up the mess. "What's this box?" I asked him when I saw the box on the kitchen table.

"That's nothing." Damien snatched the box away in an instant. "I'll go back in my room, I need to clear my head." He said and left with the box.

"What's that about?" I asked James.

"Who knows..." He replied.

I called Axel that night, while I was on the bed. When I asked him how Teo was, he sighed heavily. "He's pretty upset." He told me. "It's the first they had a fight, and he's taking it pretty badly." He told me.

"I knew it. Damien went crazy because of his jealousy. I mean, he really hates seeing Peter and Teo together, but then he saw them hugging... Even if it was an accident..."

"He lost it..."

"His temper is really something..." I sighed. "I just hope that he realized that he'll end up hurting Teo if he lets his temper get the best of him."

"Well, I understand him. That guy is just like Teo's first love, so he must be going crazy. I'm the same, I hate it when Nelson is around you." Axel told me.

"Why mention that bastard...?" I complained. "Are you still mad about that day? I already told you, I didn't know Nelson would be there."

"I know. I'm not mad about that." Axel said with a heavy sigh. "I'm just saying, it can drive people crazy when their lover is with their exes." He said. "So, I understand Damien."

"Still, he went overboard. We all know Teo is a bit sensitive, so he should've been more patient."

"No, Teo insisted on seeing Peter. He kept on saying that he needs to find out something, but he couldn't even tell Damien. Of course, Damien lost his patience."

"Are you saying that it was right that Damien lashed out on Teo like that?"

"All I'm saying is that Teo should be more considerate of Damien's feelings as well." He insisted.

"Fine, take his side."

"Are we really going to argue about this?" He asked me. It was only then that I realized what we were doing.

I sighed. "You're right, why were we arguing?" I chuckled. "I'll talk to Damien, I'll make sure he talks to Teo tomorrow."

"I'll do the same." Axel said. "Good night, babe. Sweet dreams." I smiled when I heard it.

"You too." I replied.

I was woken up by insistent loud knocking on my door the next morning. "Clark, wake up!" James called.

"What is your problem?" I asked grumpily as I opened my door.

"Hurry up, while Damien is still out." He told me.

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