Chapter 31

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It wasn't very long until the black-cloaked Volturri arrived. I was surprised to see that the leaders weren't with them, but Jane was.

"I've never seen a coven escape an attack of this magnitude intact," Jane said. Jasper held my hand, trying to keep me calm.

"We were lucky," Carlisle said.

"I doubt it," Jane said. "It looks like you missed one."

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Esme said.

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane said. "The Volturri don't give second chances. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane motioned towards Bella, who was hiding behind Edward.

"Please, we'll take responsibility for her," Esme said. Jasper led me over towards the girl, who's name was Bree. He put himself slightly in front of both of us.

"Who are you?" Jane asked. "Who created you?" And the girl instantly fell to the ground screaming.

"You don't have to do that. She'll tell you whatever you want to know," Esme said.

"I know," Jane said, smirking and taking pleasure in the fact that Bree was in pain.

"Felix, take care of her. I'd like to go home," Jane said. Jasper stepped aside as Felix shoved into his shoulder. Instantly, Jasper had his arms around me and forced my face into his chest so I couldn't see what was going on. I knew Felix was killing Bree and it made me sob.

"Jasper, can we talk?" Felix asked.

"Viv," Jasper said softly. I pulled myself from his arms to look up at him.

"No, her too," he said.

"Yeah," Jasper said. He was too calm to be Major, but it wouldn't take much to send him over the edge after a battle.

"Um, it's gotten back to us that the two of you have a, um, different relationship dynamic," Felix said. "We don't care. I, uh, I personally have some questions about it."

"What can we do for you?" Jasper asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"How did you know?" Felix asked.

"It was easy. I was seventeen and still wanting to act like a kid. It just felt right," I said.

"I needed someone to depend on me for everything, and Vivian does that," Jasper said.

"Okay, uh, I've been doing research and stuff on this lifestyle, but how do I bring it up to my mate?" He asked.

"Odds are good that if you're a daddy, she's a little and is just embarrassed to tell you," Jasper said.

"Bring it up soon. If she's truly a little, she's probably dying to regress. Especially if things have been super stressful for her," I said.

"What if she rejects me?" He asked softly. It was weird to see a guy like Felix actually caring about another person.

"She won't," I said softly. "I'm sure you'll make a great Daddy."

"And, if the Volturri rejects us?" He asked.

"You're one of the best fighters. I doubt that will happen," Jasper said. "I can give you our phone numbers so that you can ask us whatever you need."

"And, if you like, we know of a few other couples like us. Littles love playdates," I said, wishing for one myself.

"Soon doll," Jasper whispered, kissing my temple.

"Felix," Jane snapped.

"One second," he answered, handing Jasper his phone. Jasper quickly added our numbers so that he could be on his way and Jane wouldn't kill him.

"If she had a gift, be careful the first time she regresses," Jasper warned. Felix nodded politely before taking off.

"Let's go home, doll," Jasper said.

"Can I regress?" I asked softly.

"I'm sure that can be arranged," he said, smiling mischievously before kissing my lips softly. He grabbed my hand, and together, we headed home.

Vivian Joy Darwin || A Jasper Hale DDLG StoryWhere stories live. Discover now