Chapter 41

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That night, a couple weeks after Jasper left us, Edward convinced everyone to fight with us should the need arise. Carlisle refused to ask that of his friends, but they were all more than willing because of the common hatred of the Volturi’s rule.

“Hey, Em,” I said, knocking on his and Rosalie’s bedroom door.

“It’s after ten,” he said, opening the door. “You should be sleeping.”

“What are you, my father?” I said. He pulled me into the room and shut the door.

“Emmy,” I said, getting him to soften up.

“What’s wrong little one?” he asked.

“I wanna call Daddy, but I can’t with everyone here,” I said.

“I’ll take you for a ride tomorrow,” he said.

“Thank you, Emmy,” I said, hugging my brother tightly.

“Now, I promised Jasper you’d stay safe, so go get some rest,” Emmett said sternly.

I nodded and went back to my room, plugging my phone in and grabbing a stuffie. I curled up in the bed and wished Jasper was here for cuddles.

At 5:30 the next morning, I rolled out of bed and got dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a galaxy print tank top, and one of Jasper’s black hoodies that still smelled of him.

Emmett met me outside my door. “Esme needs someone to do some grocery shopping, so I told her we would.”

“Sounds good. What time are we leaving?” I asked.

“A couple hours,” he said. “Rose and I got you this.” He held out a stuffed sloth. I grabbed it and pulled it into my chest before pulling him into my room.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” I squealed, thankful for the sound proofed walls.

“Shh,” he said, smirking and hugging me.

“Rose said she figured a sloth might help you feel better since they’re your favorite animal and all,” he said. “Carlisle said no to the real one.”

“I’ll be sure to thank her,” I said, setting the new stuffed animal down.

“She’s down in the kitchen with Esme and Carlisle,” Emmett said. I started off for the kitchen, choosing to walk at human speed. They all turned to look at me as I walked in. I skipped right over to Rosalie.

“Thanks, Rosie,” I said happily hugging my sister.

“Anything to make you feel better,” she said.

“I love you,” I said, hugging her tighter.

“I love you too, Viv,” she said, returning the hug.

When I pulled away, Esme and Carlisle were looking at me with pity.

“Are you okay, hon?” Esme asked. I nodded my head yes, but knew I’d be crying if I were human. She pulled me into a hug and rocked me slightly.

“I'm alright. I just miss him,” I said calmly.

“Hey, short stack,” Emmett said, walking into the kitchen.

“Hi, Em,” I said.

“Ready to go?” He asked.

“I will be in a minute,” I said before running up stairs and grabbing my phone and wallet. I quickly joined Emmett and Rosalie in the garage and we all got into Rose's red BMW and Emmett drove us to Port Angeles to get groceries.

“You can call Jazzy if you want, little one,” Rose said. We were still about half an hour from the store, so I grabbed my cell phone and quickly dialed Jasper's number.

He didn't pick up, so I left  him a voicemail. “Hey, Daddy. I, uh, miss you. I'm having a really hard time without, but Emmy and Rose are helping. Call me soon, please. I love you, and need you to come home soon. Bye Jazzy.”

“That's why you had to leave the house?” Emmett asked, causing Rosalie to shoot him a death glare.

“I was hoping he'd answer,” I said.

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