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I didn't sleep well. The traders would be leaving at the crack of dawn, and they knew me and chastial would be joining them. I was worried about my sisters, even as i held my bag and slipped from the room.

I jogged down the halls, meeting chastial at the front door. He waved, my arm waving back as he jogged closer.

"Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded, letting him lead the way to the traders. The group was huddled at the front of the gate, all of them awake and ready to move out at first light. I blinked, the hair on my neck was raised as if someone was watching me, but it didn't seem like a threat.

I flicked my head around, but saw nothing, my eyes narrowed at the dark shadows everywhere. I doubted my stalker had night vision, so i wondered how they could see me.

"Your eyes are glowing gold" chastial whispered from beside me. I glanced up at him, his eyes glowing silver. "It is from the night vision" he explained. I nodded, joining the trader huddle.

We helped load everything into the solar powered trailer with a coal engine. Then we waited in the truck for the sun to hit the mountains and spill over. When it did, the gates were pulled open for us, the driver starting the car with a soft rumble.

"Alright newbies, we are heading out for 2 weeks, hope you said goodbye!" he said, starting the car forward, driving through the gate quickly. I looked to chastial.

"What time do we get off, do you know?" i asked. He nodded.

"I used to live there, so they will trust me and will probably only follow us to their camp. They have guards everywhere" he whispered back. I nodded, leaning against the back of the trailer, staring out the small window at the trees.

"How long will it take to get there?" i wondered. He sighed a little, crossing his arms as he looked at the ceiling, seeming to count in his head.

"Well, at night we will start running, so over all, 16 ish hours." i sighed at his words. This was going to be a long trip.

"What are they like?" i asked. He smiled, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. I closed my eyes as well, waiting to listen to his voice.

"Well, they are good people, protective of their children-" my eyes shot open.

"We can have children?" he laughed, nodding as i laid back down.

"Yes, only the nightmares can. Unfortunately all details about us are mostly wrong. We are extremely protective, and i am sure you will notice soon, but we need blood like every other zombie, and we do go feral, far more than we liked.

A lot of our young, when in the womb, makes the mother want more flesh and blood to provide, sometimes an unlucky humans walks to close, and if the mom is desperate enough, she will eat the brain, which makes us go feral." he explained. I nodded, nothing to myself to never try and eat a brain.

"How long do we live?" i asked, tilting my head a little in wonder. He laughed.

"From our experience, we live for a long time. I will tell you the truth about how zombie's were made." he put his hands behind his head, sighing.

"The reporter lied?" he shook his head.

"They probably didn't know." he closed his eyes again. "About 6 years ago, in a lab in the middle of nowhere, there were 20 subjects. The scientists were attempting to create a cure for cancer, so they injected 4 with 5 different medicines. The original virus mutated with the cancer cells, destroying all of the immune system and replacing it. At first they still seemed hopeful, for none of them could get sick, and all seemed normal besides the 5 with glowing red eyes.

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