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I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, yawning quietly. The morning bell hadn't gone off yet? I shook my head, stumbling from my bed and trudging to the dresser. With only a little bit of struggling I managed to pull on the leather outfit I had been given, strapping my dagger to my thigh. When I peeked into the rooms of my siblings, I was glad to find them sleeping.

They needed rest.

I gently pet the orange cat relaxing on my bed, scribbling a few quick words on a piece of paper. It told my sisters I was leaving early and didn't want to bother them. I didn't bother signing it as I placed it next to Rusty, kissing his head before turning towards the door.

When I made it to the mess hall, I sighed softly. Almost no one was there. I covered my mouth as I yawned, grabbing an ever frequent breakfast burrito and a plate before reaching the little corner table we had claimed. I slid into the seat, taking a small bite and chewing sleepily.

When I looked up from my plate, a male was walking towards me, a smirk on his lips as he joined me at my table. Peace disrupted. I silently sighed, setting down my burrito and raising an eyebrow at the stranger.

"Winter, my name is Ember. It is so...very nice to meet you," he said, smiling a little, his sharp teeth catching the fluorescent lighting. "I have a feeling I will be seeing you soon..." Then he stood up. As quickly as he came, he was gone. I shivered. I didn't expect creeps to be at a stronghold such as this. I shook my head, distracting myself with the food on my plate. I hoped I never saw him again.

Shapr teeth and the words 'I will be seeing you soon' what wasn't creepy about that? How did teeth even get that sharp anyways?

When Alyssa and Nalla finally entered the cafeteria, Alyssa didn't even look my way as she left to get food for herself and Nalla. My youngest sibling padded over to me, sitting beside me and leaning against me.

"Sissy is mad..." She said sleepily. I gave a soft huff. I did not need this right now. When Alyssa stomped her way back over to us, a frown was on her lips. She slammed the plates down aggressively before plopping into her seat, shooting me a glare.

"Why did you leave without us!" Alyssa asked, taking an angry bite of her burrito. I gave her a look. She shouldn't be so angry about such a simple matter. I rolled my eyes, looking away from her.

"You looked like you needed some sleep..." Then my tone changed, a little smirk on my lips. "what did you guys do anyway?" I asked, teasing her. She blushed, laughing nervously.

"W-we talked," she said, nodding, taking another bite to stop talking. I rose my eyebrow at her with a knowing smirk but didn't say anything else.

When they had finished their food, we tossed our plates and set the gates as our destination. When we arrived Fatima was already waiting for us, a giddy and encouraging smile on her lips. She performed a little dance move before stepping towards us

"Hello, girls! So you get to do your test today!" She squealed. Unfortunately for me, her excitement was contagious, Alyssa jumping up and down.

"Yay," I said unenthusiastically, she laughed. Someone had to be the grey cloud.

"The test is simple. You each will be assigned a house and you have to raid it." She smiled at us before leading us to the truck. We piled into the back, the truck turning and driving to the little town again. I was surprised there were still places to raid after going here almost every day. She signaled at two houses as she stopped the truck. "Good luck, girls." I knew I wouldn't need it.

I stepped off of the truck, my shoes crunching in the gravel street. My house was pretty small with an odd peach color on the outside. I narrowed my eyes, assessing the possible routes to take through the outside, stepping up to a window. After peeking inside, I gently knocked on the glass.

A zombie growled from my left side, stumbling into view of the window. It's bloody fingers painted on the glass before its face was pressed against it. Fear flashed through my blue eyes. Would it break through like that zombie had on our way to the fort? I shook my head, clenching a fist as I headed around to the backyard.

Somehow I managed to get it trapped against the fence. With a relieved sigh, I knocked on the door again. When no more shuffling sounds or groans greeted me, I pushed open the front door. The house was dusty, a little sneeze passing through my lips.

I moved my backpack to my chest and unzipped it as I walked into the kitchen almost silently. I searched every cabinet in the kitchen, packing in any of the salvageable foods that would last longer than another day. When the pack was full and the pantry almost picked clean, I turned on my heel, exiting the house. I glanced around again, checking for zombies, then I shut the door, using the spray paint to paint a circle on the door.

I've seen the others do that, even though nobody told me I had to. The circle meant the house was safe and zombie-free. Then I put one line through it. That meant there was a zombie in the backyard. I turned back to Fatima, closing the backpack and setting it in the truck bed, and setting the paint back where I had found it.

"Good job Winter, when you get to your training class you will get your metal badge," she said, giving me a highfive. I smiled for once. I was finally going to be a true member of the stronghold called Destiny.

Alyssa's house went about the same, except she didn't have any zombies in hers, and the door was locked. Her entry had been successful in the end, and so had her raid. Though, she left the door blank as she jogged back to us. She seemed out of breath and more than a little fearful.

"Good job Alyssa, you passed as well!" After that we went back to the walmart, packing up some more of the goods, but more pillows and blankets and clothes. I grabbed cat food and a new litter box and litter too, as well as a cat climber. When we made it back to camp, Ethan helped us carry the cat stuff upstairs, and he also helped build it. Alyssa kissed his cheek

"Thanks for the help!" Alyssa said with a smile. Ethan nodded, waving as he left a little blush tinting his cheeks.

"See you at lunch!" he called. Alyssa nodded, still wearing the smile. We changed into the training outfits, heading down to lunch with smiles. Nalla was between me and Alyssa, swinging on our arms as we walked.

When we made it to lunch we ate quickly, talking about the test for the training class in nervous voices. I didn't eat much, just in case Amber worked us hard enough to make us puke, I hoped she didn't though.

After lunch we walked at a quick pace. Nalla was nervous for us, but she helped cheer us on.

"Don't worry guys, you can beat her!" Nalla said, giving us both a hug. Alyssa smiled, nodding hopefully, but I had my doubts. I wouldn't give up though, hence why I didn't eat too much. I wanted to win, that was true, I just didn't think I could beat a trainer.

"Thanks, Nallla!" Alyssa said, pushing open the doors. I was quickly becoming more nervous. All the trainees were circled around Amber, who was holding two metal badges. She waved us over with a small smile, the shiny metal catching the light.

"Welcome, Alyssa and Winter, today you become full fledged raiders, and you take the trainee test, to see if you move up a level, please come get your badges," she called. I could feel Alyssa shaking a little beside me, Nalla going to sit down with the others.

Alyssa grabbed her badge first, taking off her plastic one and putting the metal pin in. Her name was engraved into it, along with the word raider underneath. Mine had my name along with the word raider as well.

"Take this marker, draw a line on one end of your badge. If you beat me, you draw another, those lines signify how good at fighting you are," she handed us each a sharpy. I drew a line then handed it back, but the line was a little shaky. Stupid nervousness. Amber took the markers back, setting them on a desk in the corner, then facing me.

"Winter, you are first, Alyssa, please sit down," Amber said. Alyssa nodded quickly, sitting next to Nalla with a worried smile. She mouthed 'go Winter' to me, making me smile softly. "Now, we shake hands, and we begin, I hope you have that dagger, here is a blade pad." she handed me a squishy foam thing, which I slid over my dagger.

She took a step back, shaking my hand. Whispering. I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my chest at the word she spoke.


remember, if you have any song suggestions, feel free to add them!

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