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I stretched for a moment, running my tongue along my teeth to test the sharpness.

It was not a dream. I blinked quickly to make sure no tears fell, standing up and dusting my pants off. Nalla stumbled from her room, running into my legs, hugging them. I picked her up, patting her head, then I set her down again.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said, glancing at Alyssa's room, watching as she opened the door. "Good morning other sleepy head. Are you guys okay?" I asked.

Alyssa nodded, running and giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I am fine, and it looks like you are too, I heard you helped save a few people," she said. I nodded, giving her a closed mouth smile. Sometimes she was too observant for her own good.

"Wanna head to breakfast?" I asked. The two nodded, letting me lead the way to the cafeteria. We had more breakfast burritos, sitting down with our plates.

"So, do you know how many died?" Alyssa asked in a hushed voice. I shook my head.

"No, but I know Ethan is alive," I pointed behind me at the approaching man. Alyssa smiled, scooting over to make room for him to sit with us.

"Ethan, do you know when the traders get back?" I asked, turning my head to him with a small smile. He nodded.

"Yep, they should be back tomorrow, then they leave 5 days after that, why?" he questioned. I laughed.

"I just wanna see what trading it like, so i wanted to go with them." I explained. He nodded, tapping his chin.

"Then we will come with you!" Alyssa stated determinedly. I shook my head.

"It's okay, I will be fine on my own." I said, trying stop them from coming, but i knew it wasn't going to be that easy. Alyssa frowned, shaking her head.

"Let us come, I want to try trading too!" she said. I frowned, trying not to get angry, but it was harder said than done.

"You have to stay with Nalla and Ethan, when I get back you can go," I said, glaring a little.

"I wanna go with you, Nalla can come with us!" she said, waving her arms in the air.

"I wanna go alone!" I yelled, standing up and storming away. I knew she wouldn't let me go, she wouldn't want me to get hurt, but it was too late for that. I walked up to the training room, which was empty in the morning, standing in front of the punching bag.

I punched it, not even flinching as I punched again. It flung back, then almost hit me, but I moved out of the way with a glare. How rude. I kicked it with my thigh, jumping out of the way when it swung back to me.

I continued fighting with the punching bag until I was calm, walking back to my room and changing into my leathers. I grabbed my dagger, looking through the closet to see if they left a sword. When I didn't find one I left, heading for the gates.

My whole raider group was there along with alyssa, who gave me a glare, facing fatima.

"Yoday we are each going to get a house!" fatima said, she seemed excited. "Whoever gets the most stuff, and the most valuable, will get a chocolate bar!" she did a little dance, leading the way to the truck.

Once we all climbed in, Alyssa getting the front this time, she started driving towards the town that was almost empty.

We all climbed out of the truck, choosing a house quickly. I could smell the zombies around us, walking up to the door, sniffing a little.

There were definitely zombies in there. I wondered how they would react to me. I pushed the door open, glancing around walking into the house.

It was upstairs, it's shuffling feet echoing around the huge open house. I climbed the carpeted steps, staring at the zombie. He didn't react to me, just glanced, then continued stumbling into the railing.

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