Married to the Jock

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Okay so before you guys freak out I want to say I'm sorry for deleting the chapters to this story BUT I decided to start over with a different plot this time. So I really hope you guys like this! And I love you guys!


The smell of eggs and bacon drifted around the room, finding it's way to my nose and waking me from my sleep. The large comforter was heavy laying on top of my body but the bed was so warm I never wanted to leave. As usual I rolled over to my side to kiss my husband good morning but his side of the bed was vacant. I took a deep breath before finally pushing the blankets off of my body and instantly wishing I hadn't. The cold air nearly took my breath away from me, making me jump out of bed and grab my large fuzzy robe that was hanging on the back of the bedroom door.

Slowly tying the ropes on my robe, I walked down the narrow hallway towards the kitchen, where the delicious smell was coming from. The sound of pleasant whistling echoed through the house as I rounded the corner and smiled.

Kent was standing in front of the stove, his muscular back facing me while he continued working on his masterpiece. I tip toed towards my amazing husband, making sure not to let him know that I was there and without warning I threw my arms around his waist and kissed the center of his back. He tensed up for a second before laughing and craning his neck to playfully glare down at me.

"I could've burned myself you know," His husky voice muttered before turning around completely and embracing me in a hug.

"But you didn't," I said smiling and planting a quick kiss on his lips before wiggling out of his arms to see what he was preparing for us this morning. "What's the special occasion?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, grabbing the spatula to flip over three pancakes that were sizzling on the skillet.

"I mean, you never are up this early and you never cook breakfast, so what gives?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist again and resting my head against his arm, watching him work.

"Well, since it's Emery's first day of kindergarten and your first day at a new office I decided to make breakfast for you two and..." He said trailing off and not finishing his sentence.

I nudged him in the side. "And?"

Kent set down the spatula and turned towards me, grabbing my waist and lifting me high into the air. He twirled me around once before setting me down on top of one of the big U-Haul boxes at the end of the island. We were still moving into the place.

"I might've gotten that big promotion at work," He said, not being able to keep a straight face while his smile lit up his whole face.

"No way! Are you serious?" I screamed wrapping my arms around Kent's neck before he picked me up to spin me around again, our laughter filling the air.

"My boss called me late last night and gave me the news, you're looking at the new CEO of the company!" He said kissing me long and hard.

Kent and I had moved back home to Salem to be closer to our families, but also because he got an amazing job offer to be part of a small company that was quickly growing and branching out. We had only been here for three months so far and he had already gotten promoted. Things were starting to look up for us.

"Does this mean we can afford another child?" I asked, partially teasing Kent since he had used the excuse that we couldn't afford another child to stop me from begging to have another baby.

"We can definitely afford another child now," Kent said returning his lips to mine before starting to untie my robe.

Suddenly we heard little footsteps rushing down the hall and before we could spring apart our blue eyed, brown haired daughter was standing in front of us, her eyes ten times bigger than normal.

"Mommy are you and Daddy being bad?" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her small chest.

I pushed Kent away from me before sliding off of the box and fixing my robe. I bent down and scooped up my daughter in my arms, smiling at the way she giggled while I tickled her tummy.

"No love, we're being very good," I said kissing her on the cheek before she scrambled out of my arms to kiss her dad on the cheek too.

"Daddy, I think you're burning the pancakes," Emery pointed out before Kent turned around quickly and grabbed the spatula.

"Shit," He muttered, hastily flipping the already charcoal pancakes.

"Language," I snapped at him before he smirked but rolled his eyes. Emery climbed up onto one of the high island chairs and waited patiently for us to serve her a plate for breakfast, all while she told us all about how she was so excited to go to school and make new friends besides her imaginary ones.

Before long I was rushing Emery out of the front door and towards our car to get buckled in. School started in 10 minutes and we lived 15 minutes away. Great, I was going to get her to school late on her first day of school.

"Mommy, are we going to be late?" Emery asked while she buckled herself in and I started the car.

"Of course not, we'll be there just in time," I said, backing out of our driveway and speeding down the street, towards the elementary school.

I played the latest Disney songs on the radio while Emery sang her heart out in the back seat.

"Mommy, are you and daddy going to make a baby?" Her question shocked me, almost enough for me to step on the brakes but luckily I didn't. I glanced back at her in the rear view mirror.

"Why do you ask that Em?" I asked, trying to focus back on the road.

"I heard you and daddy talking about it this morning, I want a baby brother," She informed me while looked out the window.

"Well Em, let's just focus on your first day for now, we'll talk about that some other time, okay?"


Moments later we were pulling up to the school and I was jumping out of the car to open the door for Emery to crawl out. We had one minute until school started and the kindergarten class was still waiting in front of the school with their teacher. It was my lucky day.

"Have a good day alright hun?" I said while kissing Emery on the cheek on hugging her.

"I will Mommy," She said smiling her adorable smile, with one tooth missing, before turning to skip towards her class. I felt something tugging at my heart while I watched her walk away from me, she was growing up way too fast.

Emery stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to look at me. "I want a baby brother when I get home from school, ok?"

With that being said she turned back around and rushed to the group of little kids. I couldn't help but laugh at what she had said.

I don't know where she gets it from.


Okay so I completely changed the story so I really hope you guys like it.

Vote and don't forget to Comment please! :)


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