Chapter 4: History and Assignments

Start from the beginning

"Each of you will have a partner." She added.

All the students were so happy, but I wasn't. The only person I think would gladly be my partner is Hiccup, but I know his partner will be the girl beside him. They seem like best friends.

"And your partners will be your seatmate. Now, don't complain. I'm sure you and your seat mate are already friends by now." Miss Izma said; that's our teacher's name. I figures since it was on her name tag.

Then my eyes suddenly widened in realization of what was announced.

"What?!" I and Frost yelled, since I heard his surname is Frost I decided to call him that.

We exchanged glances but I was the first to look away.

"Do you have any complaints?" Miss Izma said.

"Yeah! Why does she have to be my partner?!" He yelled as he stood up from his seat. I heard some girls laugh.

Told you they won't like me as their partner.

"Like I'd like you to be my partner." I muttered.

"Nonsense. Now, your assignment is to research......" That was all I heard while Miss Izma wrote the following words for us to research.

I now understand why she wanted us to have partners about it. It was so many. About 50 words. I am not exaggerating, it is true.

She said after we should present our assignment to class and explain at least 20 of them. Everyone let out a tired sigh then wrote the words written on the board.

"When-" Before I could finish my question, he rudely interrupted me.

"Do it yourself." He said walking away as the bell rang as a sign that our class has ended.

"How am I supposed to do it alone?!" I yelled while he was already halfway through the door facing the other side. Grrr! this guy piss me off!

"Using your brain, stupid." He said. He did not just call me stupid.

"What?! Are you crazy?! Between you and me, you're the stupid one." I tried to stay calm but anger was taking control of me.

He stopped on his tracks and faced me.

"Look, I know you're just a new girl, but you should know your limits here. You should know who you're messing with." He said glaring at me.

Who I'm messing with? Please. Like, what is he president of the United States?

"Do you even know who I am?" The guy asked. Honestly I don't, I only know his surname. "Thought so." He said starting to walk again.

"Like you're worth knowing anyway." I muttered.

"What?" He said, once again facing me.

"I'm Jack Frost. 'The Jack Frost'. Just so you know." He said walking away, again.

"You're not the personification of winter. Just because you have white hair and blue eyes doesn't make you 'The Jack Frost'." I said in an in-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Guess what miss know-it-all. It is my real name. Didn't you hear Miss Izma call me Mr. Frost?" He said using the same tone I used earlier. He does make sense though. He was introduced in the surname Frost by our teacher.

"Elsa!" A voice called out. A very familiar one. Anna.

"Hey! Don't you have class to attend to?" She asked. Class! I almost forgot! Geesh, it's this guy's fault.

"Elsa? I'm asking you something." Anna said looking quite annoyed.

"Don't you?" I asked back not bothering to answer her question.

"I do. I just went to the washroom." She explained.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to go to my next class then." I said walking right pass Jack.

"Hey! I'm not done with you yet!" He exclaimed angrily. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.


I have had it with that girl!

She is so stubborn and arrogant. She just walked pass me even if I was already calling out to her.

She could consider herself lucky even talking to a guy like me.

I swear I'm going to get her for that.

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