Luke's Flower Child Part 2

Start from the beginning

Niall frowned. "Wow, prank game strong since day one."

"Come on!" Ashton abandoned his food and jumped down from the table. "Let's get Mikey and Calum!"

Louis followed him but Niall blocked their path. "Oh no you don't. Luke said no pranking the cats."

Ashton huffed. "He doesn't have to know!"

Niall shook his head. "Need I remind you I plan on letting them eat you at some point today?"

Ashton hid behind Louis. "You wouldn't. Luke would kill you."

"I do what I want, I'm pop rock."

Louis frowned. "...No you're not."

Niall huffed and shooed them out of the kitchen.

Ashton gave Louis a tour of the house, all the while keeping an eye out for the cats.

Suddenly Michael came out from nowhere, batting a paw.

Ashton gasped and went flying.

He soared the through the air and landed on a sleeping Calum.

"Louis! Run!" Ashton cried.

Louis started screaming and ran in circles.

Ashton quickly slid off Calum and the cat woke up. He looked down at the flower child and Ashton gave a nervous wave.

"Hey there."

Calum meowed and pushed Ashton off his bed. He turned around and laid back down.

Ashton sighed in relief, which was short lived when Mikey came up behind him and picked him up with his mouth.

Ashton yelled out, trying to free his shirt from Mikeys teeth.

"Louis! Get Niall!" He shouted, but Louis had climbed up onto the couch and was watching TV with Niall.

Ashton crossed his arms and pouted as Mikey carried him around the house.

Michael jumped up onto the edge of the bathtub and Ashton gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

Mikey wiggled his tail and opened his mouth, letting Ashton fall.

Ashton yelled as he slid down the shiny white surface, landing on the bottom.

"Noooooo! This is why I prank you all the time!" Ashton shouted up.

He could hear Michael purring and he groaned in frustration. "You must be so proud of yourself, huh?"

Mikey laid down on the edge and looked down at Ashton.

"You are! Ugh!" Ashton kicked the side of the tub. "Wait until Luke finds out about this! When he comes six hours." He plopped to the floor. "Niiiialllll! You're height is needed!"

Niall came into the room a few moments later, Louis on his shoulder. "Ay?"

"Get me out of here!" Ashton pouted, reaching his arms up.

Niall clicked his tongue. "Or nah."

Ashton started crying and Niall sighed.

He set Louis down on the sink and picked Ashton up, bringing him out of the tub and placing him on the floor.

"Later." He walked out as Calum came in.

Calum jumped up onto the sink and gave Louis a curious sniff.

Louis laughed and shoved Calum away. "That tickles!"

Ashton brushed himself off and adjusted his tiny bandana. "Stupid cats."

Mikey jumped off the tub and came up behind him.

Ashton froze.

Mikey picked him up again and Ashton cried into his hands. "I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!"

Michael dropped him back in the tub and Ashton laid down face first, screaming into the marble.

"You okay Ashton?" Louis called down, from where he was sitting on top of Calum, holding the cats collar with both hands.

Ashton looked up in shock. "How did you do that?"

Louis petted Calum. "You just gotta be nice."

Ashton jumped up, reaching his hands up. "Get me out of here!"

Louis slid off Calum and whispered something in the cats ear.

Calum stood up and stretched before jumping down to the tub. He leaned over the edge and scooped Ashton out with a paw.

Ashton landed on the rug with a small thump.

He stared up at Louis in amazement. "How did you do that?"

"I speak their language." Louis explained, climbing down the toilet paper roll and landing beside Ashton.

"You what?! You do not speak their language! Teach me!" Ashton said, jumping up.

"I dunno, you wouldn't use the power for good." Louis said, studying his nails.

Ashton stomped his foot. "Who are you to judge! Yeah I would, but still!"

Niall came into the bathroom then. "Hey tiny children, Luke's home early 'cause he felt sick at work. He probably has cancer or something."

Ashton gasped and ran from the room. "Luke! Luuuuke! Let me tell you about my day!"

He grunted as he struggled up onto the couch, where Luke was laying down.

Luke smiled faintly as Ashton crawled over Luke, trying to find a comfy spot.

Eventually he settled down on Lukes neck, beside his ear. "So Niall wouldn't let me prank the cats and then Mikey was mean and he trapped me in the bathtub twice and then Louis said he can speak to cats and I just didn't like today." Ashton laid down and petted Luke's hair. "Why are you sick?"

Luke sighed. "Just caught a bug. I'll be fine by tomorrow, okay?"

"'Kay." Ashton brushed his hand across Luke's blonde hair. "I love you."

Luke smiled. "I love you too."

Louis came into the room and climbed up the couch. "I love you too Luke!"

Luke laughed. "I love you too then Lou."

Louis sat on Luke's shoulder. "I vote yes for more flower children." He said and Ashton gasped.

"Yes! Yes yes yes! Enough to build an army to fight against the cats!"

Luke rolled his eyes. "Two flower children is already three too many."

"I dunno Luke." Niall said as he came in. "I could adopt one."

"And bring it over to visit?!" Louis said, jumping up and down excitedly.

Niall shrugged. "Sure."

Ashton screamed happily. "Yas! Can we go now?!"

Luke groaned into the couch. "Im way too sick to go out right now."

"I can bring them." Niall said as Louis and Ashton ran around on top of Luke.

Luke laughed and squirmed under the feel of tiny feet. "Okay okay! Get them out of here!"

Niall scooped up Ashton and Louis and went out the door. "Bye Luke! Hope this one won't be like Ashton."

"Hey!" Ashton shouted as the door closed.

Luke smiled and buried his face into his pillow to sleep.

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