Bonus #1

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'In 1975, Thunderman halls filled with students. Some with bored faces some with excited faces. It was the grand opening of the school. Marg Peterson-the fashionista- walked the halls with her head held high and her hips asway.

She wasn't the most excited about school but, she made it work. On the other end of the hall, there was Pat Dillion. He was considered a nerd for his love of the water and the science.

Pat had always admired his friend Marg, but never had the confidence to ask her out. They'd been friends since they were old enough to walk.

In the new reading classroom, everyone scattered to get to a seat. Pat was sitting mid-centered, saving a seat Marg.

Marg was going to sit there, until she was dragged to another seat by Mike Durram, aka the jerk who thinks every girl loves him.

Pat was shocked but brushed it off.

Well he did until it happened almost everyday, somedays he'd want to stand up to Mike, but then he'd look at himself and say he's not as muscular as the lad.

Marg was desperatly trying to get away for Mike, but Mike wouldn't let her saying it'll ruin their rep. Mikes Rep was him.

Pat was sitting in the park under the big oak tree that he an Marg use to play under, he was writing a letter. No ordinary letter but a love letter, to Marg.

He'd planned on putting it in her secret journal the next day.

But things changed. The next day he saw Mike roughly pushing Marg around. He immediately yelled at Mike, which startled half the school. Pat didn't know what got to him. Mike asked what ya gonna do if I don't pipsqueak?

A smacking sound filled its way throughout the halls. Pat had Punched Mike. Everybody laughed while Mike just walked away.

Pat walked over to Marg and picked up her books- slyly sliding his letter into one of them.

"Thanks Pat, you're the best friend ever!" Marg said hugging him. Whilist Pat just stood there.

"Yeah well, I gotta go, cya round?"

Later that night Marg was on her way to Pats's house. She'd just read the letter- it had fallen out of her secret journal, and she felt guilty, sad, and also excited.

She wasn't schocked when she arrived Pat was in the den doing homework. Nor was she surprised when Pat asked if she'd read the letter and she wasn't the most suprised when Pat kissed her.

The couple dated all throughout highschool and college.

In 1983, they got married.

In the mid of May almost June of 94', Marg found out she was pregnant; while on her Fashion Tour in Brighton.

Pat had just finished his Marine's training when he got the call about his beloved wife being pregnant.

Los Angelas, Californina "95

Nine months and five days later on March 25, 1995 at 00:37 AM, after hours of pushing Marg gave birth to two identical twin boys.

Pat was excited to be holding not one but two bundles of joy in his hands.

They both had names in their minds

Baby A: Travis Peterson Dillion

Baby B: Troye Peirce Dillion

Marg Looked down at her twins who were cuddling close and knew they'd always be side by side.

- 6 years later-

Travis and Troye were just starting kindergarden. They were both 5 and considered thenselves bestfriends even though they were to young to know what that word ment.

Entering the double doors the brothers saw many kids. And they wondered why they were looking at him and his brother funny.

Mrs. Jackson- the teacher- welcomed the two boys who were hiding behind their mothers legs; to the class.

Marg pried both of her sons off gently and kissed both their heads telling them everything's going to be just fine.

Travis grabbed his brothers hand in a protective way and pulled Troye over to a table where there were crayons and coloring books.

They sat down together, Troye a little closer than before, and began drawing.

Travis on the other hand was busy scouting out the room and people, he wanted to make sure his brother was going to be safe here.

Travis acted like Troye's bodygaurd since he himself was two minutes older.

They'd done the same routine for the past two months.

During recess Troye wanted to stay inside and play gladiators but Travis wasnted to go outside and play.

Troye glared at his brother's retreating back and went over to the toy box.

He saw another little boy and decided to stop being shy and play with him.

"Hi" he mombled at the little boy.

"Hi!" The boy with blonde curly hair said. The two played together without another word being said.

Out on the playground, Travis was playing tag with the other boys, well he was playing till a boy- Antonio Val- pushed him. Travis got up and stalked to the boy and pushed him back.

The little ones were about to get into a fight when another little boy - Landon Brinks- ran over with yet another boy in tow - Brock Phillips.

The two both tackled Antonio to the ground.

Mrs. Jackson ran out of her classroom and to the pile of boys on the ground and pulled them apart. For a 31 year old she was mightly strong.

"Listen! No fighting, now say you are sorry or no recess for the rest of the week!" She scolded.

The boys looked at eachother but never said anything. Land and Brock both smirk at Travis, who returned it smugly.

That was the beginning of Travis, Landon, and Brocks friendship.

-5 more years later-

Both twins had their group of friends when they entered middle school, but Travis still was protective of Troye.

He'd always have his arm around Troye shoulder or sat next to him. Troye would always get red in the face when Travis acted all protective of him.

Landon and Brock understood the value of The Dillion brothers bond and never tried to break it. They always thought of Troye as a little brother to them.

Antonio also followed the group to Middle school, he and his friends Tyler, Nick, and Chase were known as the bullies in school.

They weren't very fond of the group. Antonio hated Landon. Landon Hated Antonio. Brock hates Tyler. Tyler..well he doesn't hate Brock, he likes him. But pretends to hate him. Travis hates them all.

It was January, and Travis was going to wait by his brothers last class like he'd done all year, when Antonio walked up.

"Yo you waiting for you're little boyfriend again? Huh Faggot?" He sneered.

"He's not my boyfriend he's my brother asshole!" Travis said back.

Antonio laughed "sure faggot, but the way you guys always close together questions me and if I were you I'd stop it right now, because next year when we go to high school you're going to get beat for being a fag!" With that he walked away.

Travis tried not to listen but he did anway and it scared him to think people would beat him for showing affection to his twin.

He sighed and walked away without another glance.

When Troye saw a clearing he walked out from his hiding spot. He didn't exactly know why his heart hurt so much from Travis walking away but that didn't stop the tear that fell.

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