Chapter 29

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Authors Note: So Guys. These are the last few chapters of this book. After this chapter there may be one or two chapters left, including the epilouge.

Troye was on his way home with Masie. Travis was freaking the fuck out about Troye coming home. Sean was still tracking while Landon and Brock were all over L.A trying to find Mary Ann, aka Travis' middle school love/stalker.

But he can't seem to fathom why Mary is so hung up on Travis being anywhere within a 10 mile radius of Troye? To him it doesn't add up.

"Travis honey, what's wrong? You look stressed." His mother asked. Oh shit! Travis knew he forgot to tell his mom something, fuck, well guess he'll tell her now since he has time to spare.

His mother, Marg, was looking at her son concerned on the outside, but completly estatic on the inside because ever since Travis got back from London, he's be smiling alot and doing little dances and out of his room for a while. Marg already; well hopes that her boys are together and happy.

"Mom, can we talk for a minute?" Travis asked nervously.

Marg nodded and they headed to the living room and sat on the couch.

Travis sighed and looked very nervous and out of place. Marg put a gently and tender hand on his shoulder signaling, take your time and it's alright.

"Mom, so I am gay, I broke up with Clarissa a week after Troye left. I went to Europe not to visit our family, but I went to London UK, to visit Troye and telk him I love him and we are together" Travis said bluntly.

Marg pulled her son close and hugged him with a huge smile of her face. "Finally!" She exclaimed. Travis was confused.

"Wait so you're not mad, or want to ship me off to military school?"

Marg grinned and shook her head "No sweety, i accept you and Troye and so does your Dad, I've been waiting for you guess to be together ever since freshman year. Because I saw how you'd look at Troye and I saw how you'd look at Clarissa. You'd look at Troye with so much love and passion and you looked at Clarissa like she was a bag of vegetables, like what the hell are you doing " she Giggled.

"So why didn't you interfear?" Travis asked seeming very intrested yet skeptical.

"Well because I thought it was just a phase and I was going coo coo, but when Troye told Me he was gay and he loved you more then a brotherly way, I knew I should back off, just hoping you'd realize the real you. And then when you didn't I knew something had happend. You fell in love with that gal and it blinded you because you had a image of Troye in your conscience but you tried to surpress it until you decided to embrace it."

"Or when Troye told me he was gay and loved me and that he was leaving me"

"Exactly, and now you're embracing it. I just hope you don't break his heart again with something stupid or something childish, just be careful with him." Marg said.

Oh Marg, you may be witty but ma'am you are far in the woods now.

Travis and his mom talked for a couple more minutes before a buz was heard.

Somebody was at the door. And that somebody or somebodies was Troye and Masie.

The duo walked up the long curved pavement to the large masion Troye called home. Masie on the other hand was gobsmacked(excited), she was jealous, because holy fucking shit, her bestfriend was fuckinh rich!

"Oi, Masie, stop staring at my house it's not that extravagant"

"Bullshit mate, it's cause you live here, but this is like the size of the London Empire!"

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