Chapter 1:

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Narrator POV

"Mr. Troye Dillion please report to the Principals Office. Mr. Troye Dillion to the principals office. Thank you!" a woman- Ms. Darbus says over the innercom.

Hold on. let's recap. Troye was sitting in Trig, when he was called down the office. It made him think. What has Travis done now? Terrorizing the freshmen again? Pranking a teacher?

Can't he enjoy a class without somebody saying his brother did something.

Troye grabbed his books, and shuffled down the corridors of Thunderman high school to the large double doors of the Office area.

"Ah, Mr. Dillion, we have a very exciting opportunity for you" Principal Boom, stated.

Troye sat down in one of the semi-comfortable chairs. Oh Joy what is it.

"Mr. Dillion your principle here has told us, that you are a fantastic artist. Now, I've seen your works. Brilliant. Simply brilliant." A man said to him. Troye was confused.

"Um, excuse me sir, who are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Mr. Clarksdale, from Heatherley college in, United Kingdom, London. And I want you to attend our school." Mr. Clarksdale stated.

To say Troye was shocked was an understatement. He couldn't even describe his feelings. Wow, he always wanted to go to Heatherley, he just never thought he'd have a chance.

"When, will I uh be leaving?" He asked, trying to hold in his excitement. Which was hard by the way.

"Well, I'll have to fly back and talk to the headmasters and staff, then we'll call you for a follow up interview few weeks prior, by then you should have a new design for us, so we can see if you really qualify, Until then Mr. Dillion,Look over these packets, we'll keep intouch" With that Troye was dissmissed.

Instead of continuing the school day, He decided to go home. This was alot to take in.

Once Toye reached his large house. More like a masion, but who cares. He parked his Corvette, letting the butler take it to the garage, and went up to his room in the west wing.

Marg Dillion, was downstairs preparing dinner for her family, When she heard a door from the west wing close. Hmm, one of her sons are home she thought. Marg put down the knife, which was in use for cutting chicken and headed up the stairwell towards Troye's room.

"Hi, hunny, your home early, what's the matter?" She said gently. Troye sat up and smiled lazily at his mother. He looked alot like his mom, We'll the hair color anyways.

"Nothing's wrong mom, I'll tell you and Travis at dinner." He said trying not to tell his mom the most exciting news anbody could bare.

Marg nodded "Well, honey you'll also have to tell your father once he get's home" She smiled.

Troye jumped up and hugged his mom, tightly. Dad's comming home.It's been almost 3 years since he's seen his dad last.

"Mom, you mean it, daddy's comming home?" Marg nodded. Her beloved husband was finally comming home.

"C'mon, you can help me with dinner" Troye pouted. But got up quickly when his mom glared at him.


When Troye looked at the clock, it was almost five-thirty, which ment Travis would be home. With his girlfriend. Who he hates. No he has a legit reason to hate her. She was the one who took his brother and lover away. Yes, Troye loved his brother, more than a brotherly way. More like the I want to be with you type of way.

Travis didn't know. He planned to keep it that way. Besides, it's not like Travis is gay. He'd never admit it, but he'd always thought Travis was gay when they were in Middle, but that changed once he finally got a girlfriend.

Eversince then, the bond between them, has weakend.

Troye stopped thinking about Travis and the she-dog when they walked in. He surpressed rolling his eyes at the couple. But trust it was much harder than you think.

"Hey mom, and uhh, Troye" Travis said. He didn't think he'd see his brother home before him. Thought he had an art thing to draw.

"Hey, sweety, Hi, clarissa, Sorry but today is not a good day for you to stay over" Marg said. She wasn't very fond of Clarissa, she thinks that Travis can do soo much better than her. Like alot better.

Travis groaned. "But mooooommm" He whined.

"No but's, your dad's comming home tonight, so only family is allowed." Marg argued. Troye crossed his arms and nodded.

"Why can't Clarissa meet, Dad?" Travis asked wrapping his arm around her.

"No, it's ok, babe, I'll stay over another time." Clarissa said. Troye and Marg both surpressed an eyeroll. Travis nodded in defeat and kissed her hard before one of the butlers escorted her out.

Not fast enough, because she looked back and flipped Troye off. Stupid bitch, he mentally yelled.

"I'm home! Marg, Kiddos!" Their father, Pat yelled comming in from where Clarissa just left.

The family of three ran up to the man engulfing him in a large bear hug.

"I take it I was missed" Pat joked. It was a rhetorical question. Ofcourse he was missed.

Marg was the first to pinch him. She had tears in her eye's Pat released his boys and picked his small wife up in his arms and kissing her passionatly like his life depended on it.

Travis made a barfing sound, Which to much of Troye's resistance didnt smack him on the back of the head.

"Ok, everyone let's eat" Troye said.

Pat released his wife and went over to the table where he pulled out a chair for his wife. Still a gentleman.

He sat next to her, with Travis on his left and Troye sitting directly across from him.

Mom made Dad's favorite; Shrimp stir-fry. Which everybody dug into.

It was mid way through dinner, when Troye decided it was time.

"Mom, dad, Travis..I have something to tell you guys" Troye said. This motion caused the entire table to stop eating...Well except Travis, who was working on his second or third helping. Fatass.

"What is it son?" Dad asked wiping his mouth with a semi dirty napkin.

"Well Um. I was called down to the office today, and no before you jump the gun, I wasn't in trouble it was for something else. And that was, I got sccepted into Heatherley The Art School of London." Troye stated.

A large round of collective gasps was heard.

'That's great Troye! You've wanted to get into that school since forever right!" Marg chimed hugging her son tightly.

Troye nodded

"Congradulations son, so when are they expecting your arrival?" Pat asked.

"They said in 2 months" Troye said smiling. He looke dover at his brother only to see an emply chair, and loud footsteps up the stair well ending with a Loud BANG. Signaling a slamed door.

Picture Of Troye On The Side :

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