Chapter 20

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Narrator POV:

It was quiet after Maz yelled out his confession. Nobody moved. Nobody said anything. Masie stood there with her mouth agape. Travis and Troye mirrored her expression. Maz stood there his chest moving at a very fast past. His heart beating mighty fast. He can't believe he just admitted his real feelings for Troye.

"I-I admit-admit it, I like you Troye, no better yet I fucking love you! Eversince you told us you loved your stupid brother I've been trying to distance myself, to see if the feelings would stop. Well guess what they didn't! Alright they're still here and stronger than ever. Please Troye just say you like me too, Just tell me you've moved on from Travis" Maz sobbed.

Nobody knew That Travis was standing there, expect for Masie. The two didn't know that they were basically being watched.

"Maz, I can't.. I can't tell you I like you back" Troye said. Maz groaned. and Grabbed his hair.

"Why can't you!? Is because I don't look like you, or I don't play basketball, what is it Troye!"

"It's because I love my brother Maz. I can't just forget that and you know that! You know, I told you this." Troye stressed.

Travis gasped loudly, and thats when Troye turned around shocked and on the brink of tears.

"You-You love me?" Travis stuttered.

Maz scoffed. "Oh please don't act so surprised, You knew he loved you"

"N-no, I didn't"

"Well now you do, gonna hate me any more than you do now?" Troye sneered.

"No I wanted to tell you I loved you back, more than a brotherly way" Travis said stepping forward a little bit. Troye's heart did a little happy dance.

"But-but " Travis shushed him.

"I fucked up alright, I know that, I fucked up so badly, I let a girl come between our bond, I left you when you needed me, I wasn't there, But the truth is, I've always loved you more than a brotherly way, when we were little, I'd always want to hold you and sleep with you to make sure nobody to you away. I let some stupid eeight grader convince me that the way I treated you would get me in trouble I never wanted you be involved with trouble. Thats why I kept my distance. And I wish I could take it all back." Travis explain Taking a step forward with each pause, until he reached Troye, who had tears racing down his face.

"Troye, I never ment to hurt you, I broke up with Clarissa a week after you left, It wasn't the same. I sat outside the parking lot of school everyday, waiting for you to come out, so we could ride home together, and you sing to Panic! At The Disco, then failt when Brendon hit the high notes."

Troye laughed a little bit and wiped his eyes.

"Oh, Travis, you don't know how long I've dreampt of this happening. How I wished you'd of always chosen me. And how I could wear your jersey on games days." He sniffed. "And we could watch cheesy movies on Landon's netflix, while eating sushi, how we use to. Or go skateboarding, or something together"

"We can do all of that, if you'd let me" Travis whispered. He reached up and whiped Troye's face. "Please"

"Oh for fucks sake , Are you really going to let him come back into your life, after he chose a girl over you, a girl when to me you were the only person i remotely liked?" Maz chimed in. He had enough of this pity party. He wanted Troye. He thinks he desired Troye more that Travis does.

Masie finally decided to talk" Troye, you don't have to decide now, You can always wait and weigh your options, and you can stay in my condo if you'd like." Masie Stated.

"She's right T, you don't have to decide now, I'll be here for an entire week, at the Baglioni Hotel, I'll be here if you need me anytime." Travis said.

"You know where I am Troye, no need to come find me, holler and I'm here" Maz said.

"Wait Wait, hold on, I don't nee to decide, anything, I have a perfect Idea who I want to be with, I;ve always wanted to be with them, And he's standing right infront of me" Troye smiled at Travis.

Travis smile so brightly and wide that you'd think his fac would of split in two. He ulled Troye into a almost bone-crushing hug.

He was so happy. Hell, Troye was so happy.

"Are you kidding me?!" Maz screamed. Masie rolled her eyes.

"Maz, give it a rest alright, Let them be you ninny" Maz stomped his foot.

"Maz, just cause I don't feel, that way towards you, we could always be friends. Your like my best mate here. It'd be weird without you" Troye said.

Travis didn't feel to comfortable about this. From what he's witnessed tonight, Maz wants to be anything but just friends.

Maz didn't say anything, he simply walked out of the condo, and left. He needed some air. it's to much.

"I'll go talk to him" Masie suggested and left trying to catch up with her white chinned friends.

Troye layed back on his couch. He was emotionally exhausted. He closed his eyes for a moment.

When he opened them, he saw a in dazed Travis still standing in the middle of the room.

Troye giggled "Come here you ninny" He got up and pulled Travis to him and kissed him.

Travis immediately responded kissing Troye back full of passion and love, and unwrapped desire, was all packed into that kiss.

Troye's arms locked around Travis neck, Travis's wrapped securely around his waist. Their tongues battled for dominace, until Troye finally gave in and moaned.

One of Travis' hands grabbed Troyes butt, giving it a little squeeze, and in returned Troye softly bit his Travis's lip, pulling it gently and letting it go.

Travis groaned pulling him closer moving down to his partners neck, licking and biting the flesh just below Troye's jawline. Leaving a large and noticable love mark.

"Aah.." Troye moaned. The sensation was unbarable.

Travis smirked and Pulled away, earning a whine from Toye.

"I love you" Travis said smiling.

"I love you too" Troye returned.

Troye felt his neck, and playfully glared at Travis, who slyly smirked and stepped back.

"You wanker!" Troye yelled playfully and reached back and threw a pillow at him.

Earning nothing but laughter, thus started a pillow fight.


Masie had finally caught up to her bestfriend.

"Maz, listen, you may not can have Troye, but there's other people out there for you!"

"Yeah like who, the one guy, I allow myself to like let alone love, already loves somebody else!?"

"Maz, if you'd open your eyes, you'd see that the perfect guy is out there!"

Maz sighed. he shook his head and walked away. Masie, wanted to run after him, but decided its best for him to be alone right now.

Hopefully he'll gut open his eyes and see.

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