Chapter 14

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My book is finally a -TEEN in my eyes! OMG! YAY! Lol enjoy the new update. I tried to upload a music for last chapter but Wattpad was being a beeeeeeeep. So that didn't work. Oh well.

Theme song: Unconditionally-Katy Perry.

Narrator POV:

To say Troye was embarassaed was an understatement. He wanted to hide. He wanted to run. More importantantly he wanted to leave. Yes folks, Troye Peter Dillion wanted to fucking flee the country. His brother. His longing lover. Ws wearing PINK to school. Its nothing wrong with it, He;s seen alot of people who've pink to school. Most of them were girls, but still. He was presed! So pressed! It was unexplainable. Unimaginable! He didn't even go to the rest of his calsses. Because most of them involved Travis. He did not want to face him. So the art room was his safe haven. He did what he does best. Create.

Travis was probably even more embarrassed. He was wearing pink for crying out loud. He felt like he was being watched by and eerie pressence. But he brushed it off. In his mind he wanted to just say fuck this whole thing. Tell everbody. But he couldn't his rep was on the line. More importantly his love for his brother can't be said. Yet. Yes, he wanted to tell Troye he's undying love but, he just doesn't know how, and he'll admit it to anybody, but he's afraid. He's terrified he seriously doesn't know how to really express his feelings for somebody.

No he wasn't the first one to say 'I love you' to Clarissa. Or be the first to ask to be the signifigant other. He let her do the askng. He felt cool that way. But really he felt like a damn weakling. but he wouldn't admit that. He can't He seriously can't.

"Hey trav, don't forget basketball practice straight after school!" Brock said, walking past with his girlfriend- Maia. Travis just nodded and proceeded to go to his locker. He opened it and once again, he found a manillia folder upon the floor. He picked it up with shakey hands. Not again he thought.

He opened it and almost screamed. There are pictures of Travis giving Troye longing looks, from all angles. Like how in the hell did somebody even take this without him knowing. He's literally scared.

Like scared shitless.

And ofcourse where was a note.

Dear Travi-Pink Boy,

I loved watching you bark all through class period. It was totally worth it. Let's see, you have basketball practice today, And you're running suicides. OH JOY! Go to the Art Wing and locate the custodian room, In there you're going to find a chicken suit. Yes! a chicken suit, to let the whole student body know that Travis is a chicken. You wont even mosey u the guys to tell Troye that you fucking love him.

And you won't ever get that chance! I couldn't get it so neither can you! DO IT OR I TELL ALL!


To say Travis was scared, was an understatement. Scared can't even describe what Travis was feeling. He sighed and threw in backpack in his locker, swapping it for his duffle- which was pink- and slowly almost snail like towards the art wing. He seriously didn'y want to go. he really has no choice he can either a) do it and save his rep and Learn to forget about Troye and left him meet somebody in college who doesn't care the same DNA, or b) don't do it and have everybody know what a sick and twisted guy he is for fantasizing bending his brother over and taking im right then and there..well, there is option c) change his name have his face reconstructed and move to Guam.

But sadly A was the only correct way to approach this situation.

Travis mood changed when he walked past the Art studio, where he saw Troye casually creating- what he guesses is a fantastic last art piece. From the angle he's in, Travis can see the outline of a face of some sort.

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