Chapter 27

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Today was the first day back to school for Travis, he told his school that there was a death in the family, which was a lie. Nobody really questioned him or rather cared.

Travis woke up that morning and checked his phone for the upteenith time, yet there still wasn't a response to his last text.

He wondered if Troye actually found out and never wanted to talk to him again. Or maybe the unknown person told him. Or worse Troye realized that his feelings weren't long lasting and that Travis was late. Or

"Travis, you alright?" Travis jumped at the sound of Brock's voice. He looked around all confused. He was in his car, how'd he get there he thought.

He Looked over and saw Brock at his window, he looked behind Brock and saw he was a school.

Travis was confused, maybe he drove himself here while thinking and didn't realize it he shook his head and sighed.

Brock was standing at his bestfriend and little brothers car door, absolutley confused.

One he was confused about the tweets last night, because Brock may not come off as a super smart jock but he is very observant, and he knew that Travis did infact have a relationship going on with Troye.

Two why was he and Landon not on good terms?

"Yo, T, can we talk for a second bro to bro?" Brock asked the confused Travis

Travis nodded stiffly. He unlocked the passenger side which Brock swiftly got in.

"Okay Travis, what is up?" Brock asked.

"What do you mean? I am fine" Travis said hoping it was convincing.

Brock scoffed "You think im gonna believe that bullshit excuse, what was that shit about on Twitter and Facebook? Whats with you and landon? Huh?"

Travis flinched at the tone of Brocks voice. Travis really didn't want to talk about this right now.

"Let me guess, you're afraid of your rep and how people are going to treat you is that it? Oh wait you think you're gonna lose your precious fans aka the hoes here at school who just want you for your dick?" Brock continued.

"I already got lectured once I don't need this shit right now Brock, just leave it alone!" Travis stressed.

"Then why are you still making excuses if you already got lectured. Listen people are always going to talk about you, good or bad man, you just gotta brush off the haters man, they only want to be cool with you if they get sometype of benefit from you! And then there's me and landon two people who'll always be by you"

Travis looked away he knew Brock was right, but we wasn't right about one thing; Landon.

"Yea well, Landon isn't by me right now, is he?"

Brock laughed a little. Travis looked over at him in shock, why was he laughing.

"No, no, It's just, you're so stupid, Landon was always right by you dude."

"No, your stupid, me and Landon aren't even cool anymore, I fucked that up"

"Oh really, you sure? Because Landon has been sticking up for you all morning, if he hadn't you would of had a sea of people out here asking thousands of questions, but no Landon fixed all that."

"I call bullshit" Travis argued. No way Landon did that.

"Call it what you want, but, right now don't go running in and trying to act all buddy buddy, cause you and I both know that Landon needs to chill down before he thinks about talking to you again, remeber back in second grade and we had a friend named Luke and he fucked over Landon and then tried to be cool at the playground?" Brock said.

"Yeah, and Landon punched him so hard he knocked out his tooth" Travis laughed and Brock joined.

The laughter died down couple minutes later "So what should I do about the whole Troye thing? I mean he isn't even answering my texts or calls"

Brock thought for a minute "Maybe he lost his phone or something, I know the kid, he wouldn't just never answer , especially from his boyfriend" Brock teased.

Travis punched his bestfriend in the arm "Dick"

Brock laughed " Aye I know thats what you like now, but I don't swing that way!"

Travis punched him again which only nade Brock laugh even more.


Back in London, Troye was freaking the fuck out, he was not ready at all. He was sweating and shaking in his TOMS. Today was the first viewing of Heatherley's annual artshow. The Art show was split up into five categories : Abstract, Sculpturing, Paintings, Still Lifes and Grafitti. Troye had Two in Paintings , One In Still Life And His original Mural in the Grafitti area.

To say he was nervous was an understatement. He was about to shit bricks. Masie wasn't going to show up till later because she had an exam and she also has his phone still. Troye bets he has a shit load of missed calls and texts and Instagram notifications.

"Places people, we open in 25 minutes! Make sure you have your group keynotes and color out and handy!" Sharrie- the coordinator, screamed at everybody.

Troye had keynote 3 and color seafoam, meaning he has to start in the Still life, and His piece is number 2 and he has to explain the concepts the background the whole point of the entire piece and why he didn't do such and such.

And he had to do it to all of his pieces. And there were about 10-15 people per group.


Troye stood next to the other students dressed in their black dresses and suit pants with white shirts and color ties, waiting for his group to form.

"Goodevening ladies and gentleman, don't you all look georgous; my name Is Troye Dillion, and I will be your guide and educator for this evening, first we are going to head to the Still Life where I will answer all of your questions, please follow me"

At the Still Life hall, Troye started answering questions

"So Mr. Dillion, how old are you, you seem rather young?" A fairly large mid thirty year old man asks.

"Well, sir I am 17 almost 18, I am an early high school graduate, meaning This would if been my senior year."

"Mr. Dillion, where is your still life?" Another person asked, this time a middle aged woman.

"Oh, ma'am my painting is comming up next, but fair warning it is a bit plain."

The group thus moved forward.

"Here we are, my still life, it's a bowl of fruit on a creme' colored cloth, but with a twist, would anybody like to step forward and smell the fruit?" Troye asked.

"I Would" it was Masie who offered, Troye wanted to jump and hug her but that wouldn't look good, so he just smiled.

The Group looked at Masie and watched as she sniffed the apple and turned and smiled "It smells like an apple"

"How did you aquire the apple smell Mr Dillion?" A young woman asked.

"Well I added a little bit of the ink from the sentable markers and mixed it in, then I added more to get it more dominant and it also helped the color."

"What made you want to make it smell like the actually fruit its self?" Another person asked.

"Well because , the piece itself is plain, and not alot of people try to add their own twist to it, but decided I want be edgy and it worked in my favor" Troye explained.

He aswered a couple more questions before they moved to the grafitti.

"Alright, we have alot more to explore shall we continue?"

a/n: you're welcome

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