Chapter 24

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Travis Was the first to wake up, he really couldn't sleep, because honestly he was scared shitless. Not because of last night, last night was fucking amazing. No, he's scared because, what's going to happen when he does go back to school? What's he gonna say when people ask him about himself and Clarissa? He sighed. Crap.

He looks over at his lover. Wondering how he was so lucky, he sighed. He gently traced his finger tips across Troyes face, carefully trying not to wake him. Not a success.

"Please tell me its still nighttime" Troye says sadly. He seriously hopes that it is and that he and his boyfriend can spend more time together.

Travis sighed "Unfortunately, it's morning babe." He says pulling himself closer to Troye.

Troye slumps his shoulders, "You have to leave in 2 and a half hours.." he groans.

Travis Nods, "You want to help me pack?" Troye nodded and looked up and grabbed Travis' face and pulled him down for a kiss.

The duo got up and showered together, it was more making out than actually showering but, a shower nontheless.

They each went around grabbing and folding pieces of clothing and placing them in the suitcase.

Each taking longer than needed to fold something. Troye Kept Eying Travis' Varsity Jacket, He Pulled It Back Out Of The Suit Case And Held It In His Lap. Travis Looked Down, smiling softly at the scene "You Can keep it You Know.. If you want"

"I Can?" Travis nods "Yeah besides it looks cute on you, cause it so large " Troye smiles. He Looks Over At the clock. He sighs, its time to go.

"Troye will you, sure you don't want to come to the airport with me?" He asks once more.

"I'm sure you don't want to see me cry" Troye mumbles.

Travis nods understandingly, he grabs Troyes face and smiles sadly at him, and gives him a hard kiss. "I Love you"

" I Love you too, don't forget to Skype when you make it home safe" Troye reminds. Travis makes a mental note and places another kiss on his partners lips and grabs his suitcase, and heads towards the elevators.

Troye laid back on his couch and sighed for the uptenith time today, when his phone buzzed, its Masie

-Go with him!- Mas.

Troye looked confused and a little scared, how did she know he didn't go to the airport? He was about to repond but Masie beat him to it.

-Don't wrry how I know, just GO!-

Troye got up and located his houseshoes ( yes houseshoes, closet thing to him) and Put on Travis' varsity jacket, and his keys, and left down the hallway to the elevator.

Pressing the L floor he waited not so patiently for it to arrive. The elevator music making his head throb. Why do they want to torture people in this with horrid music?

Once the elevator dinged he raced out of the doors and out to the lobby, he frantically looked around till he saw a spiky brown quiff. He ran over calling out his name


"Travis WAIT!"

Travis Turned around confused until he was almost knocked over by a body. Not just anybody but Troye.

"Troye, you okay? What's wrong?"

Troye shook his head, " Nothing I Want to come to the airport with you, just like you did for me"

Travis smiles and hugs him close.

"Come on" Was the last thing said before they got into the cab.

At the airport, it felt like deja vu. Only this time, Travis was the one leaving, not Troye this time.

"So, this is it, I'm really going to miss you baby" Travis states.

"I'm going to miss you too" Troye bit his lip to keep the tears.

-Flight 45 To Los Angeles, CA, your plane is now bording-

Travis and Troye hugged and kissed eachother, slowly releasing, with a final nod Troye let go of Travis hand and watched him enter through the gates.

When Troye arrived back at his condo, his mind was working over time, it was full of what ifs and different senarios. He sighed and tossed his keys on the Table.

"So How was it?" Masie asked. Troye screamed and fell over the couch.

"MASIE! What the fuck!" He Yelled again.

Masie flinched "Oops, sorry mate"

Troye sighed again "Its Alright Masie, and yeah it went well"

Masie nodded. "i know your going to miss him, and Troye please stop thinking that something is going to go wrong and you guys won't be together, because you will"

"yeah, I guess, but-"

"No but's, Troye c'mon, mate, don't be a downer, lighten up, because you have a Art Show comming up and you still have to finish up, whatever you've been working on"

Troye laughed a little, Masie was right, nothing's going to happen between him and Travis that'll ruin them.

"Thanks Mas, now I know you didn't just come here to cheer me up, tell me about you date, with Veronica?" Troye smirked. Masie glared at him and punched him in the arm.

"It wasn't a date!" Masie protested.

Troye scoffed.

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