Chapter 15

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Narrator POV:

For the last two days, Travis was in complete hell, he recieved more than one note from the unknown, he had to run in every practice, He and Troye barley talked, and Troye has gotten paler. He tries to hide it. But Travis knows when his lover isn't shining like the brightest star. Or when he's skipping lunch, or not eating. And he wants to run up to him and beg him for forgivness and tell him he fucking loves him. But he can't because of Unknown. Who scares the shit out of him. And that today is the last day for Troye.

Since Troye being the artistc one who designed all of the schools functions, Princepal Boom, decided that the student body of Thunderman High, will organize a going away party. Everybody will park in the back of the school, Troye will recieve a phone call and he's arrive and go to the gym. Teah that sort of thing.

Troye was busy preparing the rest of him room for his departure. His mom came into the room an hour later, with a letter from dad.

'Hey mom, you going to be ok?" Troye asked his mom. His mother looked up. "Yes sweety I'm alright, I'm going to just miss my baby boy! tell me you'll come home for christmas!' His mom wailed. Troye hated to see his mother cry. He grabbed him mom and hugged her tenderly.

"I promise mom, Is that a letter from the old man?" Troye asked. He gently took the letter from his mother and opened it.

Dear Troye.

Well son, when you read this, I'll be off I wanted to be there for your leaving but I couldn't i seriously hope you understand. I hope that you have an exciting time in London, maybe i'll visit one day. I'll miss you so much. I love you!


Troye read the note and smiled. He wasn't mad cause he knew that his dad was off to help save the country. Which was cool. He gave the note back to him mom. Hugged her and went back to acking his room.

He was just about finished when, he got a text from Matt.

Matt: hey babe, come to skool now, the art teacher says u left some works.

Troye stared down at the screen. Hm, he could of sworn he'd collected all of his works from school. Oh well he must of forgot some. With a quick reply of k he grabbed his wallet and keys, also his phone, scurried down to the garage and jumped into his corvette, taking the familiar route to Thunderman high.

The students of Thunderman, were all piling into the gym, with posters and banners. Cheerleaders with their pom-poms. Jocks in their jackets. The whole she-bang.

Travis was nervous. He was the one who was going to talk first and give him the award. And giving a going away speech along with a few other people.

He had alot to be worried about. What if he forgot a word? What if he missed a word? Studdered. It was stressing.

His phone buzzed. Landon texted him and told him Troye was in the building.It was time.

He quickly quieted down the entire room. When Troye walked in with Matt pulling him he wanted to scream. Out of joy ofcourse.

Troye was shocked. Bewildered even. Everyone had a poster of him. They were cheering. Some crying beause of his leave. It was a beautiful experience.

Travis approached his brother and grabbed his hand. Trying to ignore the shock, that went through his arm. He could tell Troye felt it to by the way he jumped.

Travis nerovously smiled and pulled him up on stage and infront of the microphone, once everybody quieted down.

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