Chapter 28

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It had been 5 days. 5 days since Travis and Brock had a talk. 5 days since Travis and Landon last spoken. 5 days since Troye last seen his phone. 5 days since Troye's first artshow. 5 long ass days since everything to say the least.

Surprisingly Troye doesn't miss his phone as much. Not like he didn't have much of a choice, Masie would make sure they always had something to do. Like today they have just finished shopping for Masie.

She'll be coming to L.A with Troye for the next two weeks. Troye's excited to have his bestfriend come with him to meet his other friends aka Jesse and Byrce. Troye hadn't talked to Bryce since last week before Masie took his phone. Seems like Bryce was holding something back from him.

Troye really wants to know what it was, he just hope everything's okay.

"Oi mate, what about these shorts?" Masie asked breaking Troye from his thoughts.

"Masie as I said the last three other pair if shorts like that in various colors, yes get them, and lets go home and start packing"

"Oi its my first time in L.A I want to be prepaired, so shut it!" Masie said grabbing her basket if various shorts and tanks and TOMs to the check out.

Troye sigh in relief and followed closely behind. They were almost to the front of the line when Masie turned and saw in her case the perfect pair of earrings

"Oh for fucks sake Masie!" Troye groaned.


In L.A Travis was sweating bullets. Not from the 89 degree weather, but from Brock texting him saying He and Landon are coming over. Brock didn't explain why.

Travis kept looking at the message for the last twenty minutes.

Travis was coming down the steps when Brock opened the door with Landon in tow.

"Eh, still just bustin in my home man?" Travis said to Brock trying not make eye contact with his ex bestfriend.

"Psh, whatever man, its our home too." Brock grinned.

Travis nodded and it was quiet for a few minutes.

Brock clapped and startled both of his bestfriends.

"Alright, lets squash this now, all three of us are bestfriends, have been since we were little dudes. I don't wanna have to choose whose house to go over and text the other one on whats going on. I'd rather walk into one of ya'll house with both or one of yall in tow" Brock stated.

"Now we gonna fix this shit before i punch both of yall okay, Landon you start?"

Landon glared at Brock and sighed "No I shouldn't go first, the real person at fault should should go first."

Brock groaned. "One of you mofos better start talking!"

"Just because I tried to lie my way out of the situation cause I wasn't ready doesn't mean you shouldn't try and back me up, you should'of understood that I'm just not going to jump and scream to the world saying i'm gay and i'm proud the second I get home" Travis explained.

"I thought I could handle it but then shit it the fan so I tried to lie my way out of it."

Landon sighed "I understood, but the way you said it, made it seem like you just gonna fuck over Troye again, after all you told me." Brock interupted.

"Wait so you told Landon whats going on but not me?" Brock said punching Travis in the shoulder

"You were on that Family vacation thing" Travis punched him back.

"Still you could of texted me man!" Brock exclaimed.

They all laughed.

"But I'm serious you made it seem like you didn't even love Troye and then you on Twitter blowing up on me for a tweet that wasn't even for you & then you wanna say our friend ship was a joke!?" Landon yelled.

"Look I am sorry okay, I overreacted but you have to look at it from where I was coming from."

"I did and I was going to text you and try and squash it but you fucking blew up on me before i had a chance to press send" Landon explained.

It was silence once again.

"I forgive you, but if you ever threaten our friendship ever again I will end your ability to ever jerk off or have sex with Troye again" Landon said.

Travis laughed a little and held his arms out "Deal, hug me brother?"

Landon sighed "yeah I guess" but huged him anyway.

"Okay enough huging and shit, let me whoop ya'll asses in COD!" Brock boasted.

"Wait there is also one more thing I have to tell both of ya'll" Travis said. He grabbed his phone from his pocket; unlocked it and handed it to them.

"What's this?" Brock asked.

"It a number from some unknown person who has a thing for Troye, I think it's a girl"

"Break up with Troye or else I'll expose you to the school on Prom night? Wait isn't Troye coming down here in like 11 hours?" Landon asked.

"Yeah, and isn't Prom night in like three days?" Landon Continued.

"Damn man, you're fucked" Brock commented.

Travis face paled. "What am I going to do?"

Brock thought for a second "did you google this number?"

"Yeah but it's untraceable, its one of those track phones that nobody can trace." Travis explained.

"You really are fucked."

"Not helping Landon"

"Well shit all you can do is delete the tweets and stuff and me and Brock and the whole team we can try and figure out who this is." Landon suggested.

"No, if this person was smart they would of already had screen shots of his tweets and stuff already so." Brock chimed.

"Brock go back to being the dumb one, you being smart is fucking up everything." Travis stressed.

"Or, you can do one thing"Landon stated.

Travis and Brock both looked at each other and then Landon.

"What is that?"

"You don't go to prom."

"Woah woah, I can't, sides Troye probably already picked his suit and he's already on the plane here, it'd crush him" Travis argued.

"I got a better Idea, why don't I ask Sean, to look at the number and the text maybe, just maybe we can find this person before Prom night?" Brock said.

"That could work, Brock, you son of bitch finally something you say might help me!" Travis grinned and Watched Brock dial a number.

"Aye, Sean, you still tracking the untrackable? Oh well do I have a case for you.!"


Once Sean arrived, the guys started to get to work. Well more like Sean getting to work while the trio sat back and watched in amazment.

It was about thirty minutes before Sean printed out a strip of paper.

"I got something." Sean yelled.

All three boys got up and ran over to Sean.

"So after tracking and tracing all the data and infultrated the numbers codes and firewalls, I was able to hack into the Phone company outside of Mexico, where then I-"

"Sean, can you explain it less technical?" Travis pleaded.

"I found out who the person was behing the number, does a girl by the name of Mary Anne ring anybells?"

Landon and Brock both looked over at Travis, who's eyes were wide as saucers.

"Holy Shit!"

Dun dun dunnnnnn

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