Stockholm Syndrome

Start from the beginning

He walked back to the kitchen, where the snapback guy was calmly sipping the water. "I can't believe you would just run off on me like that, I thought we were friends. I offered you water." He shook his head and set the cup down.

"I'm sorry!" Ashton cried. "Please don't kill me!"

"Why would I do that?" Snapback frowned. He walked around Mark and crouched down to Ashton's eyes. "Oh wait, it's because you owe me thousands of dollars." He smiled and snapped his fingers. "I knew there was a reason you were here."

"But I don't know you!" Ashton cried. "I don't owe anyone anything, I swear! You can take what money I have if you want, I promise I won't tell anyone!"

Snapback rolled his eyes. "Isn't begging way beneath you, Michael?"

"I'm not Michael!" Ashton screamed. "My name is Ashton Irwin!"

Snapback smiled. "Let's just test that then. I have a DNA scanner upstairs. If you really aren't Michael I'll let you go. If you are, I'm just gunna kill you. Deal?"

"Deal!" Ashton almost cried in relief. "You'll really let me go?"

Snapback smiled. "If you're really Alex Irving."

"Ashton Irwin." Ashton corrected.

Snapback rolled his eyes. "What ever." He stood up. "Bring him upstairs Mark."

Ashton gripped Mark's shirt tightly as he started walking upstairs. "Don't drop me! Wait, actually, drop me if you want to. Totally your choice mate. Don't let me bias you."

Mark rolled his eyes and dropped Ashton on a bed. Snapback was digging through the closet already. He emerged a second later, holding a knife.

Ashton scrambled back. "I thought you weren't gunna kill me!"

"I'm not, I just need some blood for the scanner." Snapback rolled his eyes, reaching his hand out as he climbed onto the bed. "Give me your hand."

"What if I don't wanna?" Ashton asked.

"What if I just stab you?" Snapback snapped and Ashton quickly gave him his hand.

"What's your name, by the way?" Ashton asked, wincing as Snapback pulled the blade across Ashton's finger, leaving a small cut. He dripped a few drops onto the knife, and went back to the closet, where a small grey machine was sitting.

"Don't play dumb, Michael." Snapback said as he shook a drop of Ashton's blood into the small device. "You know who I am."

"But I'm not Michael! I don't know who Michael even is!" Ashton argued as he sucked on the cut. 

"Shut up." The machine beeped a second later and a piece of paper rolled out.

Snapback picked it up and unrolled it. He smirked as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Should I read it out loud?"

"If you want to?" Ashton said, studying his finger.

"Age: eighteen. Height: Six foot one. Blood type: AB negative. Full name: Ashton Fletcher Irwi-wait what?" Snapback squinted and pulled the paper closer to his eyes. He reread it a few times before glancing up at Ashton.

Ashton smiled. "I get to go home now right?"

Snapback stood up and walked over to Mark, who was looking uncomfortable. "I asked you to do one thing Mark, ONE GOD DAMN THING!" He grabbed a nearby chair from the desk and hurled it to the floor, breaking it.

Ashton recoiled in shock.

"You said he was Michael! You looked me in the eye and promised me it was him!" Snapback continued to scream, his inner cool completly gone.

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