Chapter-7:The Revelation

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Nicole P.O.V

Nicole: "Lauren?"

Lauren: "Heyyy, How's the fashion event going?"

Oh no, what should I tell her? Should I tell her the truth? No no, what if it drives the company in panic? I must keep it a secret.

Lauren: "Boss? Are you there?"

Nicole: "Yes, I am here Lauren. The fashion event is going really well. I'm getting to see potential designers for the future"

Lauren: "Oh that's really great boss! I hope you come back here soon, we miss you a lot!"

Nicole: "I will soon Lauren, how's the company? Is handling it too much for you?"

Lauren: "Not at all Boss, though I must say it gets tiring, it's a wonder how you handle it"

Nicole: "I couldn't have done it without you Lauren, for which I'm most grateful for. Might I suggest getting a secretary for yourself while I'm not there to make things easier for you"

Lauren: "Thanks for the advice Boss, I'll see you later. I have to go now"

Nicole: "Goodbye"

I exhaled having pulled off the phone call properly. I walked back in and smiled at the others saying it was a call from the office- which it was. I noticed Taehyung scowling and walked over to him.

Nicole: "What's wrong?"

Taehyung: "Nothing..."

Nicole: "Okay, are you free after this?"

Taehyung: "Yes...Why?"

Nicole: "Lyrics"

Taehyung: "Sure" He smiled only slightly and walked away.

When we returned back I changed into more comfortable clothes so I could work with Taehyung. I grabbed a book and went downstairs. I looked around and no one was there. Then I noticed Taehyung and he waved me over to a table.

Taehyung: "So let's start with a theme"

Nicole: "Okay, what's your album on?" He suddenly scowled.

Taehyung: "Love"

Nicole: "Oh...So what's the theme going to be on?"

Taehyung: "Are you that dense?"

Nicole: "What?"

Taehyung: "If the album is going to be on love so is the lyrics you idiot" Why was he being so rude?

Nicole: "I get it, there is no need for calling names"

Taehyung: "Well if you want my help you will have to deal with it"

Nicole: "Just because I need your help with something doesn't mean you should treat me like that, I am still a person with standards."

Taehyung: "Well your highness, I am sorry for putting you down, but your air-filled head just can't co operate with me" That's it I won't take anymore of this

Nicole: "What is your problem?

Taehyung: "You"

Nicole: "Well if you had a problem with me, you shouldn't have agreed to help me"

Taehyung: "I wouldn't have had a problem with you, if you weren't a liar"

Nicole: "What the heck are you talking about?"

Taehyung: "I overheard you talking with your secretary and you were saying that you were at fashion event and something about potential designers, when actually you are writing lyrics for a band. Tell me Nicole what are you hiding?"

I gaped. What should I say now? Should I tell the truth? If I don't I will probably lose his trust. I should tell him everything.

Nicole: "I will explain"

Taehyung: "You'd better"

Nicole: "When I was six years old my parents were murdered, I was almost too if the maid had not hit the killer in the head thus giving me time to escape. I took shelter in one of my family friend's house and the next day was shipped off to boarding school. I studied and took an interest in writing but it was not enough so I started designing and now have my own company. The main reason I created it, was so that I would find the people who murdered my parents and take revenge. Two days ago I got an offer to come here and attend a fashion event, but instead Sejin offered me another deal—to write lyrics for your band and in exchange he would find the people who murdered my parents. I accepted the deal and left my company in the hands of my secretary who had called me today. I couldn't tell anyone about this deal because word might get out. So yes I am a liar and a cheat or whatever you want to call me, but I only did this so that I would find my parents murderers."

I let it out in a breath. I felt so much relief in telling him—like a huge weight off my shoulders. I looked up at him and met his eyes. He was gaping at me. Then he recovered himself and pulled my hand making me stand up with him.

Taehyung: "Come with me" He was pulling me out of the house.

End of Nicole P.O.V

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