Chapter-6: Unfamiliar Familiarity

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Chapter- 6: Unfamiliar Familiarity

Nicole P.O.V

Nicole: "No!" I woke up in a start, drenched in sweat. I was sitting up and my knees were shaking. I sat like that for a few minutes trying to calm down, and it finally worked. I realized my throat was dry and reached out for my bottle but it was empty. I must have forgotten to fill it up before sleeping because I was so tired... so a trip to the kitchen it is.

I turned on the flashlight of my phone and walked downstairs slowly trying not to wake anyone up. I turned the tap on and filled up a glass of water. I gulped it all down, savoring the relief it gave me. I was walking back, but I think I took a wrong turn because I ended up in a balcony. I stepped onto its cold tiles anyway needing to clear my head. I took in a deep breath and exhaled.

Why did I have that dream? Were my parents trying to warn me? If so...why? I was only trying to avenge them anyway. I could do this, I can pull it off. But could I really? I didn't know the first thing about writing. I used to be interested in it before, but those times were long gone, now I am owner of a fashion company. No... I have to go on. I have to do this, I have to believe in myself if I want to find my parents murderers. My thoughts were cut short as someone walked into the balcony.

Taehyung: "Who's there?"

Nicole: "Your greatest nightmare" Ironic considering how I just had mine.

Taehyung: "What are you doing here?"

Nicole: "I wanted some fresh air"

Taehyung: "I meant what are you doing here... writing lyrics—you are an owner of a fashion industry" I sighed, I couldn't tell him the truth.

Nicole: "Your manager needed someone to write lyrics, well here I am"

Taehyung: "Why would you write lyrics?"He emphasized on the "you".

Nicole: "Because I can" I snapped, there was no need to be rude.

Taehyung: "Are you cold?"

Nicole: "Hmm?" I only then realized that I was in my night gown. I had left my robe because I only came for a drink.

Suddenly he took of his robe and put it around me, enveloping me in his arms. I breathed in the scent of freshly washed hair and...brownies?

Taehyung: "You can return it later" He was about to walk off.

Nicole: "Wait..."

Taehyung: "Hmm?'

Nicole: "I...can't write lyrics"

Taehyung: "I knew that" The nerve of this guy.

Nicole: "Will you help me?"

Taehyung: "What's in it for me?"

Nicole: "Umm..."

Taehyung: "Kidding, I'll help you" he smiled, this time I went in with him, because I didn't want to get lost again. We were walking up the stairs and to my door when he suddenly turned around.

Taehyung; "I know it's none of my business but... why did you scream "no" that time?"

Nicole: "Nightmare" as soon as the words were out of my mouth I could feel the gaping hole in my chest,

Nicole: "Anyways...Goodnight"

Taehyung: "Sleep well" Then he turned around and went in to his room.

I walked inside and to my bed. I pulled up the covers and exhaled. I realized I was still wearing Taehyung's robe. At first I considered returning it but then the brownie smell was comforting that I fell asleep in it.

The next day I woke up and stretched. I had a feeling the day was going to be good. I cleaned up and went down for breakfast, thinking I would change later since the smell of bacon and eggs were wafting towards my room and I was hungry after not having dinner last night.

I went down and to the kitchen. I greeted everyone and so did they. They didn't pay much attention to me after that—possibly because they were all sleepy eyed or discussing about some show they had today. I realized I would have to accompany them as the manager's apprentice.

Taehyung suddenly appeared in front of me and handed me a plate of bacon and eggs.

Nicole: "Thanks" He shrugged

Taehyung: "You look hungry" Then took a seat next to me. As I was eating the guy named Jimin turned towards me

Jimin: "Are you wearing Taehyung's robe?" What? I looked down and saw that I was still wearing his robe from yesterday.

Nicole: "Um...Yeah." Taehyung rescued me.

Taehyung: "She didn't have one so I gave her mine"

Jimin: "Isn't that your favourite one?"

Taehyung: "I'm getting it back Jimin"

Jimin: "Oh... then why can't you lend it to me too?"

Taehyung: "Because you spill orange juice on my other ones. Their banter carried on and it was fun to watch, like two brothers fighting.

I quickly got ready and we set out for the show traveling in a limo. I sat with Jungkook, who surprisingly chatted away with me as if we were friends from ages ago, he told me embarrassing stories about the others and it was amusing to see their faces go red and make signs at him that signaled how they would get him back for it later.

When we reached the venue I could hear fans screaming so loud, it was a wonder I didn't go deaf. I was the last to get off and had to enter through the side entrance as per Namjoon's instructions. I went into the dressing room and found them. Taehyung gave me a thumbs up for making it. Then I started ticking things off my list that Sejin had given to me.

My phone started to ring so excused myself. I stepped outside and picked it up, it was Lauren.

End of Nicole P.O.V

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