Chapter-4:A Chance To Heal

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Nicole P.O.V

Sejin: "I have come to make a deal, I know who your parents are...Bella and Stephan. I was shocked. How did he know? No one in my company knew, as my birth certificate said I was an orphan, but I knew who my parents were and they were the main reason I started this company.

Sejin: "You see I know all about you, and I've known you for long time, I was the person who took care of your financial expenses since you were a child, I've wanted to tell you but not so soon"

Nicole: "What?" I was blurred. What was even happening?

Sejin: "Now that we're past the surprising things let's come to the matter at hand ... the deal. I will help you find your parent's murders and avenge their death for a price not that big" My parent's murder how did he know that? I have been searching all my life for the culprit and this guy is ready to help me... I have had no luck so far, I might as well take my chances.

Nicole: "Name it" I was determined to find those horrible people who took my happiness away from me.

Sejin: "Obviously you have heard of K-pop and I'm the manager of one of the bands BTS" Oh so he wanted me to be a lifetime outfit provider for free or something.

Sejin: "They have a new album they are going to produce but they need and outsider's perspective of love and not themselves, so I need you to write the album lyrics" WHAT? That was the third shock I had gotten today, but this is completely crazy. Why would he want ME to do that? I couldn't write. He could have chosen someone else...WHY ME?

Nicole: "What do you mean? I can't write"

Sejin: "I have your writing book from before where you have written the most interesting lyrics, and I can't ask someone else because this strictly exclusive and no one can find out about this"

Nicole: "Sir, that book is of years ago when I was interested in writing"

Sejin: "I know but your delicate writing is most touching and I know you will be able to pull it off, you understand that I couldn't ask another person because it would take time to find someone and we need an immediate lyricist"

Nicole: "But I couldn't possibly—"

Sejin: "Do you want to find your parent's murderer or not?"

Nicole: "Yes, but—"

Sejin: "So it's a deal?"

Nicole: "Excuse me for a minute; I would like to think about"

Sejin: "Of course" I walk out of the room to clear my head. The fresh air helps to clear my muddled thoughts.

It's funny how someone can just pull the right string and you would give in. Now you would think anyone would do that if you knew their weak spot. But...What if that weak spot is not for you to pry open? What if you don't even have a weak spot or what of if it was unreachable? Then someone finds it, the weak spot forbidden to all—mine, the same spot that no one would ever know existed. What happened to being unstoppable, unbreakable and whole? Now I am scared, fragile and broken. I knew no one knew the truth about me and that gave me strength to go on knowing I had no weak spot for the world to see. Now someone waltzes in and drenches the darkest memories of my past. The memories that I locked and kept away knowing that they would only break me, I sunk them down the deepest trench of the ocean, tossed them above and beyond the universe. I made a new body, but I knew that my soul was the same, broken and scarred. Now I have a chance to heal my soul, to never see those memories again, and the price? Not too much, but what is at risk? My company, everything I have slogged for is going to be without a leader, a pack of wolves without an alpha. They will think I am missing. Simple, right? But am I ready to risk it all? Lauren will handle it right? I trust her... anyway this is only till I find those heartless animals and tear them apart. I was ready I had my answer. I walked back in and faced Sejin.

Nicole: "I'll do it"

Sejin: "Great! Now, please sign this contract"

Nicole: "Okay" I sign the paper, and make a promise in my heart that I will avenge my parents.

Sejin: "Good, Now I will explain what is going to happen. First you will go to bighit entertainment and work as an apprentice for me. I will introduce you to the members and explain who you are, you will stay at their dorm and work there, you can quit whenever you want but you must finish this album. You will attend the members tv shows and comebacks with them. There will be no cameras in the dorm so you won't be in the public's eye. As for your parents' murderers, I will see to it and give you any hints or things I know about them and we will figure this investigation together with my team, you see I'm well connected to the police and know a detective that never fails in his missions, so we will know who they are in no time and I will leave it to you what you want to do with them."

Nicole: "Okay thank you"

Sejin: "You are quite welcome" He signals to the men and we leave the dark alley.

The car ride was quiet the whole way because I was lost in my thoughts, and Sejin didn't speak to me which I was thank full for since he might have known it was too much to take in all at once.

We reached the company and I was taken to a secluded building on the left, the building must have been important because it was on its own. We took the lift to one of the floors and came to a door which was labelled BTS, for some reason was familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on it. We walked in and there were seven people standing in a line as if they were waiting. Wait...How long have they been waiting like that? My eyes shifted to one of them and I gaped. It was Taehyung.

End of Nicole P.O.V

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