Chapter-2: A Surprising Encounter

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Nicole P.O.V

I leave Australia with tight lipped smiles and reserved hugs-from both sides of course, but I don't care as the only one who really mattered was Lauren, who's face brimmed with betraying tears- even though she had seen me leave numerous times, our hug lasted for longer but I eventually left clambering into the plane at the last minute. I looked out the window and sighed, I had never felt any kind of emotions while leaving this place maybe because I never felt connections to the place or the ones that were there hurt too much to think about. I took a deep breath and shoved those traitorous memories at the back of my mind. Another uneasy feeling crept unto me about the fashion show, it was only another fashion event after all, but a slight tug at my gut told me not so, but I silenced it and shook my head- I was being ridiculous, maybe I was just tired, yeah that was it or I was having pre-event jitters- which I hadn't had in years.

Nicole: "Ahhh What a pain!" I cried in exasperation but soon settled down as I saw the passengers around me looking at me with weird faces.

Nicole: "Sorry!" I ducked back into my seat hiding my face in my coat, I normally never had these kinds of outbreaks. A guy I had never seen before sat next to me chuckled.

Taehyung: "Apology accepted" He said and smiled. "By the way my name is Kim Taehyung"

Nicole: "Nice to meet you I am Nicole"

Taehyung: "Seems like something is bothering you miss"

My eyes narrowed at him, why was he bothered?

Nicole; "What's it to you?" I spoke a little loud and it came out ruder than I had expected. As soon as the words were out my mouth the lady in front of me whispered to the woman next to her.

Lady-1: "Isn't that Nicole from N.C Industries, how dare she speak to Kim Taehyung from BTS like that"

Lady- 2: "I know right what a rude person and he was only concerned for her"

I gaped, was he actually one of those big shot singers from that boyband I guess I should apologize or it might set off the media.

Nicole: "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean for it to come out like that, I was just merely wondering why a grand person like you would be concerned about me" I say a bit louder so that the women hear me and offer my sweetest smile. Oh the things one needed to do to keep the media in line-even if it meant putting myself down in front of this irritatingly famous human.

Taehyung: "Oh come on now don't be so modest you're very grand yourself as an owner of the biggest fashion Industry in Australia"

Nicole; "Thankyou very much sir" I turned away, how did he know about what I did – was it because of the lady, but then he was in Australia so he might have been here for a tour, but that doesn't explain how he knows me, suddenly I noticed his outfit...OF COURSE the clothes, the outfits I had designed last summer, they were used by the stylists during the tour. How could I forget? I mentally slapped myself for being such an idiot. I guess that explains how he knows me.

Taehyung: "Oh by the way could please have your autograph?" he smiles sheepishly "I'm rather a fan of your designs" he slides out a notepad and a pen from his duffle bag.

Nicole: "Of course...Here" I sign his notepad and give him my business card. He grins and thanks me. I smile slightly but genuinely. he turns around and whisper-shouts something to some people behind. I didn't want to turn to see who it was so I just assumed it was the other members from his band, I plugged in my earphones and took out my design pad and started sketching designs for a spring fashion line.

About an hour later the airhostess came up to me for my dinner order. I gave her the usual order with no coffee since I wanted to sleep later and not stay up because of the caffeine. I knew I needed all rest I can get for the next day. Suddenly Taehyung nudged me.

Taehyung: "Miss Nicole, sorry to disturb you but those are some real awesome sketches you got there, may I see if you don't mind?" his face hopeful and eyes big.

Nicole: "Of course here" I watched as his eyes widened as he flipped over the pages smiling and grinning every now and then "They are for the spring fashion line" I leaned closer and whispered at him, his eyes grew wide in excitement.

Taehyung: "Really?"

Nicole: "Yup, and it's a secret" I say quietly

Taehyung: "Then I'll keep it"

He hands me back the book and smiles, I smile back and something clicks inside me making me feel giddy. What was wrong with me? Just then the air hostess brings our orders...I guess I was just hungry. We talked for a while after eating, but I felt tired and eventually fell asleep.

In the morning the light streamed past the window and I squinted my eyes open, but as soon I did I shouted and leapt back.

End of Nicole P.O.V

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