Chapter-5:The Nightmare

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Nicole P.O.V

The gods above were laughing at me—today after getting shocks someone obviously loves my gaping face because it just keeps getting better and better, the next thing you know I have a long-lost twin sister. I realized how ridiculous everything was slowly getting, so I steeled myself and drove the shock back.

Nicole: "Hello everybody, I am Nicole from N.C Industries" They all greeted me back

Sejin: "Boys, she is going to be the new lyricist I was talking about that day. She is going to be staying with us and posing as my apprentice. Make sure you help her with anything she needs."They all nodded and smiled.

Sejin: "I will leave now, I have lots of work to do" He turns to me and smiles "You'll be okay, they don't bite" I nodded and gulped.

Taehyung: "Heyyy Nicole, I see we meet again"

Everyone: "You know her?"

Taehyung: "Of course we met in the flight..." and then he winked at me... seriously.

Nicole: "I wish I could say the same for you Taehyung" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to be nice anymore; there was no media to threaten me and I couldn't care less about the others. One of the guys walked over to me.

Namjoon: "My name is Namjoon and I am the leader of this group". He turned pointing to the others one by one. "This is Jin who is the eldest and writes our lyrics, so I suppose you will work with him, this is Yoongi who composes our music, this is Hoseok who choreographs our dances, this is Jimin who helps with our songs, this is Taehyung—who I see you have already met, and this is Jungkook who is the youngest and also helps write the lyrics". After he was done with the whole introduction, I nodded and shook hands with all of them. Taehyung was standing last so when I shook his hand he scowled at first but when I raised my eyebrow he quickly smiled, weird. I walked over to the leader

Nicole: "Excuse me, could you please show me my room, as I would like to retire for the night"

Namjoon: "Of course, follow me please" He took me upstairs to a room at the right. "Would you like to join us for dinner, you must be hungry after the long drive"

Nicole: "No, thank you, I would rather rest"

Namjoon: "All right, in case you need a drink or something the kitchen is downstairs to the left, and please help yourself to the fridge if you feel hungry. Taehyung's room is next to yours so you can ask him if you need anything"

Nicole: "Thank you very much, Goodnight". He nodded and left. I walked into the room and unpacked my things. I thought I would take a shower first and went into the bathroom, the hot water helped clear my head and soothe my body. As I walked out I felt so exhausted that I dropped onto the bed and fell asleep...and had the worst nightmare ever

I was in my old house in Australia and my mother was tucking me in bed. She was singing a lullaby to distract me from the arguing downstairs. Suddenly there was a gunshot, I jumped upright and looked at her with wide eyes.

Nicole: "M-Mother, what was that?"

Bella: "Nothing sweetie, let me just go check okay, you stay here" She was trying to be brave but I could hear the panic in her voice. She kissed my forehead left. Minutes later I heard another gunshot, and footsteps walking up the stairs, they came to a stop outside my door and knocked on it.

Unknown man: "Nicole, I know you're in there honey, mommy asked me to come get you" I was so scared, I couldn't bring myself to open the door. Instead my hands automatically fled to the trapdoor under my bed, and I jumped in it closing it behind me.

Unknown man: "If you don't open this door love, I'm going to have to break it down" Not a few seconds later I heard a huge thud but little did this man know that I was already in the main hall looking for my mother. I found her on the floor next to a table, she had been shot and blood pooled around her. I ran to her.

Nicole: "Mommy what happened?" I was panicking and tears flowed from my eyes.

Bella: "Nicole, honey, I want you to run as fast as you can to Mr. Sejin's house and tell him what happened okay, don't stop and don't listen to anyone" she croaked out.

Nicole: "I can't leave you here Mommy" My mother smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear

Bella: "I will be fine darling, now run as fast as you can before he comes and remember Nicole your daddy and I will always love you, take this" She handed me her locket necklace and kissed my forehead for the last time. Her hand fell limp at her side and she stopped breathing.

Nicole: "No mommy, please wake up, I beg you" I was crying relentlessly and holding her hand.

Unknown man: "Ah there you are, Nicole" He smiled cruelly and raised the gun.

End of Nicole P.O.V

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