Chapter-12:Keeping Promises

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Nicole P.O.V

I walked out of my room and knocked on Taehyung's answer, he must be downstairs with the others. Though when I went down, there was no one, but I could hear faint music from somewhere. I guess they were practicing in the basement. After a few turns and pretty much guessing from how loud the music was, I climbed down another set of stairs into the basement. There was loud music blasting from a speaker and I recognized the voices in the song. In the middle of the floor, all of them were practicing and I was astonished. They were so good, so in sync and they looked like they were having fun because of the huge grins on their faces. I stood there for a while in awe. The music slowly stopped and the guys turned around and saw me. Taehyung gaped and then smiled.

Taehyung: "Come to watch me? Unfortunately we're done for the day, maybe next time?"

Nicole: "I was looking for you. You weren't in your room."

Taehyung: "What's wrong?"

Nicole: "Oh nothing, I thought we should finish the songs soon"

Taehyung: "But we have loads of time right?"

Nicole: "I know but I think it's better for us to get it over with"

I wanted to finish this album and go back to Australia. But the truth was that I was torn between staying and going, I knew I had nothing to stay for but when I looked at Taehyung's face my heart clenched with sadness. I was growing attached to him. But I knew I had to go back and avenge my parents. I had a company to get back too, and I had to do it as soon as possible. Then I remembered the other thing pending.

Nicole: "Yoongi, some of the songs are ready, so can we fit in the melody?"

Yoongi: "Yep, just come by the studio later and we'll do it"

Nicole: "Thanks" I smiled and dragged Taehyung with me. We went to a quiet place to finish up on our remaining songs. We were doing a chorus when he suddenly stopped me.

Nicole: "What's wrong? Do you want another line?"

Taehyung: "You're planning on leaving aren't you?" I sighed. I hated how he caught up on things fast.

Nicole: "I-I have to go back. I have to get my revenge."

Taehyung: "But can't you stay for a while. I don't think Lauren is going anywhere." He pouted.

Nicole: "She might not go anywhere, but she may have other plans lined up, and I need to be two steps ahead" He took my hand.

Taehyung: "I'm going to miss you"

Nicole: "I will too, but you must understand." My voice broke. I was trying to stay strong.

Taehyung: "I can't say I will but I can try to" He smiled.

We left it at that. I then told him I'm going to the studio to work with Yoongi and he nodded saying something about practicing vocals. I knocked on the door and stepped into the studio.

Yoongi: "Ah you're here"

Nicole: "Here are the songs we have done so far" He took the book and read the lyrics"

Yoongi: "These are really good. I think they will fit well with the lyrics" I smiled.

We worked for most of the evening. I didn't even realize how late it was, until Taehyung came in saying dinner time was past. Yoongi and I decided to go out for a bite and Taehyung insisted on coming because he wouldn't miss a chance to eat. Taehyung was quiet most of the time I didn't know why, and when I asked he said it was nothing.

The next couple of weeks flew by and in no time the album was ready. I loved seeing Taehyung sing the songs with that huge smile on his face. His voice was deep and melodious, it just blew me off. I started liking Korean music after all. During performances I kept working as the manager's apprentice and I had also gotten closer to the others. They were like family now. I still had that nagging voice in my head that said I had important stuff to do and now that the album was ready there was nothing to hold me back, I had to leave. And so I arranged a meeting with Sejin and the others.

Nicole: "You know why I have called you all here today"

Jimin: "Please don't leave Nicole" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

Namjoon: "Let her speak, Jimin"

Nicole: "I don't want to leave, you all are like family to me but you know I have to do something very important."

Jungkook: "And you're like a sister to us—well except for Taehyung, so we understand" Taehyung went red when Jungkook said that.

Nicole: "Sejin, I plan on leaving tomorrow, I trust you have my tickets ready"

Sejin: "I do, but Nicole you will be accompanied by my secretary"

Nicole: "What? Why?"

Sejin: "He is the only other person who knows about the murder and he might be able to help"

Nicole: "Oh, Thank you Sejin" He smiled.

That night Taehyung told me to come to the balcony where I had first got lost.

Nicole: "Why did you call me here?"

Taehyung: "To say goodbye"

Nicole: "You can say it tomorrow you know, I'm not going anywhere tonight"

Taehyung: "I have something to tell you"

Nicole: "Tell me" He came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

Taehyung: "You have stolen my heart Nicole"

Nicole: "W-what?" Instead of replying he pulled me even closer and gently kissed me. I was stunned. Then he drew back and took my hands

Taehyung: "Even if you leave tomorrow, I promise you we will be together again"

Nicole: "I know" I think I shocked him with my response. He smiled and we went back to our rooms.

It was my last night in this room and I smiled, I had so many memories in here, bad and good ones. Oh how I was going to miss Korea. I sighed and fell asleep.

The next day I was saying my final goodbyes at the airport. I hugged everyone and some of them even cried. I laughed and said that we would see each other soon. Before I boarded my flight Taehyung hugged me again, this time longer. I breathed in the scent of brownies, which I prayed was not for the last time.

Taehyung: "Don't forget to call me" He patted my head.

Nicole: "Of course"

I left waving back at them. I had only one goal now. I would no longer sit back and watch while Lauren destroyed everything I built. I would get back at her and her family who wronged me and mine. And that is a promise.

End of Nicole P.O.V

The End! Hope you all enjoyed this book. There will be a sequel I promise!

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