Chapter-1 : A Business Offer

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Sara POV

I turned the music up a bit more and the squeals got louder, people really did love this band- BTS was it? Wow the people are hyped, too bad our boss is not in to Korean music.

Nicole: "Sara shut that horrible music off right now!"

Sara: "Oh come on boss it isn't that bad"

Nicole: "Did I say you could argue with me?"

From the corner of my eye I could see Liam shaking his head and telling me not to push it but I have had enough of her attitude and it was time someone stood up for themselves over here, it was now or never.

Sara: "No boss, but what's the big deal about it anyway?"

Liam: "Nooo don't talk like that to her", I glared at him. Why was he so scared of her?

Nicole: "It's ok Liam let her, to answer your question... because honey when my staff listen to that so called addicting music no one concentrates and we suffer losses because of those slacking idiots so listen up because this is the last time I will say this -NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO LISTEN TO K-POP IN MY OFFICE OR N.C INDUSTRIES GET THAT IN YOUR BRAINLESS HEADS AND IF ANYONE HAS THE NERVE TO DO IT WILL BE IMMEDIATELY FIRED!".

End of Sara POV

This is the life of Nicole, who is a clothing business owner and is ranked highest in the largest owning businesses in Australia, but although rich and prosperous our dear Nicole is very strict with her staff and allows no slacking off or being lazy. She is seldom kind because a hard life causes a hard heart.

Lauren POV

Jake: "Have you heard of the new drama in the headquarters?"

Lauren: "Yep it was so loud I could hear it ten floors down" I sighed; I wish boss would be calmer with the staff...guess I have to go cool her down.

Jake: "I heard that we aren't able to listen to Korean music anymore"

Lauren: "Ah what a pity I actually liked it...oh well"

Jake: "But wait aren't you like boss's favorite, so you can what you want?"

Lauren: "I might be her favorite, but I am no exception to her highness's laws". I wish I was though.

Jake: "Sad, I wish you were the boss instead of her, you are so much nicer" He has some nerve now to say that, if boss were to find out...

Lauren: "Come on now don't say that she isn't that bad, she just doesn't like laziness" Which is half true since Sara's attitude also annoys her.

Jake: "Yeah yeah whatever" He obviously didn't believe me as he rolled his eyes. Oh well nothing I can do about that.

End of Lauren POV

Lauren is Nicole's secretary and Nicole trusts her the most. She manages Nicole's schedule and calms her temper when she's upset-the perfect secretary, who is also loved by the staff.

Lauren POV

I'm on my way to boss's office to see if she's okay- oh wait she isn't here, she must have gone for a refill on coffee, I guess I'll come back later. Just when I was about to leave I heard the phone ring, so I went to answer it.

Lauren: "Hello, N.C Industries, Lauren speaking"

Sejin: "Hello Miss Lauren I am Sejin and I work at Bighit Company in South Korea, we have a fashion event in our company and would like to ask Miss Nicole to come see it as she is an expert in fashion and can judge the outfits, it is for 2 months since we would also like her to see the process of the clothes being designed and made and she can guide our employees"

Lauren: "Nice to meet you Sejin and I will check with Miss Nicole about this and report back to you is that okay?" Ooh a trip to South Korea will be the perfect break for boss and I'll get to do what I planned in the beginning.

Sejin: "Sure, Miss Lauren I shall call back tomorrow to see if you agree"

Lauren: "Of course goodbye sir"

Just then boss walks into the office. With a coffee in her hand as I had predicted

Lauren: "Ah boss great timing, I have just received an offer for you to go to Korea for a fashion event, and I think it will be a great opportunity for you to go so you can take some time off and enjoy"

Nicole: "That would be great Lauren but I can't just leave "

Lauren: "Don't worry boss I'll handle things here you go enjoy"

Nicole: "Oh Lauren you really are kind but I can't do that to you, you already are doing more than you should".

Lauren: "Come on boss I will do everything, you trust me right?" She won't be able to argue this time.

Nicole: "Of course I do, it's just...ah never mind I'll leave you to it and go to the event since I can't really argue with you" she sighed

Lauren: "Great I will call him tomorrow again to say you will be there and I'll have your bags packed and ready to go so you can leave day after"

Nicole:"Ah thank you so much Lauren, you don't really have to do that I'm quite capable of packing my bags".

Lauren: "No, it's alright boss you should go rest, you need energy for your flight" Yap got lots of work on my hands now but at least it will pay off at the end.

End of Lauren POV

Unknown POV

Unknown 1: "The plan worked sir the girl believed us we just have to wait till tomorrow to find out"

Unknown 2: "Oh good good, the businesswoman thinks it's just another event but will see what's waiting for her when she comes here"

End of Unknown POV


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