Chapter 26: Issei's rage has emerged

Start from the beginning

You then stood up and said,

Y/n - Now, let's start out training, Koneko.

Koneko - Right.

Koneko then charged at you at full speed attempting to punch you but you quickly dodged it.

Koneko - Damn, he's fast. She muttered.

Koneko tried to uppercut you but once again you dodged it. She tried a leg sweep attack but you jumped.

Y/n - Ooh. That was close.

Koneko then use this as her advantage and performed a roundhouse kick. Instead you dodge the attack you blocked the kick with your right hand and you use your left hand fire a ki blast that causes an explosion.

Issei - Koneko-chan!

After the explosion disappeared, Koneko is lying on the ground battered and bruised.

Y/n - Oops. I think I overdone it.

Issei then desperately ran over to Koneko and he said,

Issei - Koneko-chan, can you hear me?

Koneko didn't answer.

Issei - Y/n! What did you do to her?! He yelled angrily.

You then checked Koneko's aura and luckily she survived your blast and tried to talk to her through telepathy.

Y/n's mind - 'Koneko, can you hear me?'

Koneko's mind - 'Yes I can hear you. Wait, did my mind spoke?'

Y/n's mind - 'Yes. I checked you by using telepathy and it seems that you are alright. Sorry for that though and I believe Issei is angry right now. I'm surprised that you can use telepathy as well.

Koneko's mind - 'No it's okay. Yeah, I don't know why but I can also use telepathy as well.'

Y/n - 'That's nice to hear. Keep up the act okay? I need to see Issei's new transformation through rage.'

Koneko's mind - 'Alright.'

You then disconnected your conversation with Koneko via telepathy.

Issei then checked Koneko's heartbeat and he sighed in relief because there was still heartbeat. Issei then faced you angrily. He then clenched his fists tightly as the ground started to shake violently due to his immense power that he is gathering.

Issei *his voice full of rage* - You. Will. Pay! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Issei then let out of deafening yell while you are watching him and you are surprised that his power is raising at an exponential rate.

While Issei is yelling, his muscles are appearing, his hair is turning gold, his eyes are turning teal, his eyebrows are disappearing, his hair is growing longer up to his waist and blue bioelectricity is starting to crackle around on his body.

With a very loud yell, Issei then let out a destructive explosive wave and you see that Issei destroyed your balcony that causes everyone to fly and Koneko regained consciousness. She then opened her eyes and realizes that she is falling. When she realizes that she is falling, she let out her devil wings from her back and started to fly.

Koneko - Issei-senpai.

Kiba - Oh Koneko, your awake.

Koneko - Yeah. Actually I regained consciousness a while ago but Y/n told me to act that I am not conscious but I didn't know that Issei-senpai will take this too far.

Kiba - I see.

Rias - Yeah. He was angry because you didn't wake up earlier and that causes Issei to build his rage from inside and outside and faced Y/n.

You then saw the destruction that Issei made and you sighed.

Y/n - Man, I need to fix his destruction sooner but I need to control him right now.

Super Saiyan 3 Issei then charged at blinding speed on you but when he is right front of you, he teleported behind you and tried to smack you with his two hands.
Since you are trained enough on those kind of situations, you teleported behind him as well as Issei and the fight continues.

Rias - Issei need to calm down right now. If he didn't, he will only cause destruction.

Koneko - I'll go.

Akeno - No Koneko, it's dangerous.

Koneko - It doesn't matter whether it's dangerous or not. I will go and confront him.

With that Koneko flied towards Issei and Y/n.

Back to Raged Issei and Y/n,

When raged Issei tried to punch you, someone blocked it and it was Koneko who was knocked back pretty far.

Y/n - Koneko-chan!

You then flied towards to her and you caught her before she fall.

Koneko - He sure packed a punch right there, didn't he Y/n?

Y/n - Yeah and it's my fault that Issei's uncontrollable rage has emerged. I'm sorry Koneko.

Koneko then smiled and held your cheek and she said while looking directly on your eyes,

Koneko - No, Y/n. It's okay. I forgive you. Right now we need to calm Issei down before he cause any destruction.

Y/n - Thanks Koneko-chan.

With that you kissed her cheek and Koneko blushed madly.

Koneko - Y-Your w-welcome.

You then let go of Koneko and her wings appeared on her back to fly. You and Koneko fly towards Issei who is screaming like crazy and firing a tremendous amount of ki blasts in all directions.

Y/n - Damn, he sure is very angry right now. Everyone! I need your help.

Rias and her peerage - What is it?

Y/n - I need all of you to deflect all Issei's ki blasts while I will charge to him and make him unconscious.

Rias and her peerage including Koneko - On it!

Y/n - Good. Now go!

Rias and her peerage then started to deflect the incoming blasts while you rushed at Issei.

Y/n - Issei, you need to calm down! Koneko is alright now!

Unfortunately, he didn't hear you.

Y/n - Okay. If you can't hear me, I'm afraid I will do this to you.

You then teleported behind him and chopped his neck and he quickly returned to his base form and become unconscious. You then catched him and descended to the ground as well Rias and her peerage. They approached you and Rias said,

Rias - Is he going to be alright, Y/n?

Y/n - Yes he is. I only made him unconscious for a while.

You then placed the unconscious Issei on the ground and you started to restore the destruction that Issei made. After a while, the restoration is complete and everything is back to normal.

Asia - I wish I can have that kind of healing power.

Y/n - Don't worry, I will grant you that kind of power later on.

Asia - Really, Thanks, Y/n!

Asia then hugged you. After 10 seconds Asia let go on the hug that made the other girls jealous on Asia.

Y/n - Anyway, let's bring Issei to his room and wait until he wake up.

Rias and her peerage - Aye!

With that, you carry Issei like a bride and the girls followed you.

To be continued...

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