Chapter 3: You have no right

Start from the beginning

I was dumbfounded. Speechless, even. I'd never been kissed like that before....or kissed at all to be honest. Just thinking about it made my body tingle.


"She ruined it" I growled looking at my sister.
"Well your an idiot for not doing anything to retaliate. Why didn't you slam her back on the some dominance or something." My sister flatly replied staring at her phone.
"I-I don't know. I didn't think about it until now. I should've stopped her but.."
"You liked it." She looked up from her screen.
"No of course not. I was saving it for Hayley."
"Uhh not this again. You need to understand she will never like you, so you might aswell like go with this girl."
"No it's not impossible."
"If you say so.." she trailed off walking out of my room.

I lay in bed and as I touched my lips it automatically made me think of Cayden. I rubbed at them furiously removing any remnance of her.


I managed to grab Cayden to speak to her about yesterday events. She was obviously reluctant to talk but after minutes of insiting she finally agreed.

She was her normal nonchalant self when I tried to express why she shouldn't have taken my first kiss, however I ended up exposing myself to liking Hayley. Instead of making fun of me she came up with an idea to help me.

She wanted me to accept her into the Mathletes and help her pass her subjects and she'd help me get Hayley. I didn't want to help at first but she seemed desperate and stubborn. I reluctantly agreed. She also told me she'd rip my genitals off and make me eat them... I had no choice.

I took my hand out to shake hers, to make it a formal agreement, accidentally showing my childhood bracelet. But as she took out her hand I saw the identical bracelet on her wrist too. Like a mirrored image we both were shocked.


Questions raced through my head as I stared at her. Cayden moved swiftly towards me and hugged me tightly, creating a forceful impact. I embraced her, taking in her suprisingly sweet scent. Tears began to form in my eyes full happiness. Only in my dreams this had happened.

Cayden's POV

I walked with Noah into the lunch room, ignoring the odd whisper of gossip or murmers about us. I strided towards our regular table and as expected all my friends faces were utterly confused.

"Hey" I huffed sitting down with Noah timidly sitting next to me.
"Who is..." Cole began.
"Don't stare, this is Noah, my childhood best friend." I interrupted eating one of Taylor's chips.

Everyone face was in awe.

"Oh my gosh. He was real.. " Riley remarked, "Hand it over."
Simultaneously, Taylor and Jacob dove into their pockets and took out £20.
"Sorry I thought that he was just an imaginary friend..." Jacob guilty trailed off.
"And you?" I questioned Taylor.
"I thought you was talking about an actor you were attached to...sorry."
"Shameful. I'm offended, just so you know." I stole another chip.

Noah quietly listened taking his food out and eating it cautiously. I was wondering why he was so quiet all of a sudden.

"Noah this is Taylor, Jacob, Riley and Cole."
"Hi." He smiled.
"Awwww he's so cute. Do you want come round to my house today we're all just hanging out." Taylor returned a smile.
"Uhh, yh sure. Are you going Cayden?" Noah asked.
"Yeh, I think I'll swing by." I attempted to steal Cole's fanta.
"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!" Cole shouted.


We came out of Taylor's Mercedes groaning and stretching, after a squashed ride.

"My legs are freee!" Riley screamed.
"Stop being so dramatic." Taylor said opening the door to her house.
"You have no right to say that, you and Noah got to sit in the front. Neither of you know how it felt to be so squashed." Cole grumbled.

Everyone made their way inside, ignoring the continuous hammering between Taylor and Cole.

"Noah is the tallest out of all of you, so stop crying." Taylor said, finally and it the argument.

Cole deflated into the sofa in defeat making the rest of us laugh. Jacob went to use the toilet and Taylor needed something from her room. Leaving Noah, Cole and I downstairs in the kitchen.

"Did you find a solution to your immanent problem?" Cole smiled munching on a snickers bar.
"Have you taken over Jacob's spirit in eating snickers now and yes I have it's Noah."
"You fool, more than one person can like snickers. How can Noah help you?"
"He's letting me join the Mathletes and helping me in the rest of my subjects."
"Are you even good at math?" Noah suddenly said. I stared in disbelief and annoyance.

"I like him already." Cole smiled
"Yessss I am, thank you very much."
"What's 4 cubed?"
Almost immediately I answered, "64"
"Jes- since when?" Cole gassed.
"I've always been good, but I hated the maths teacher."
"Makes sense, the maths teacher is like dad jokes. Dry and funny." Noah laughed, "I think she needs to retire already."
"I like him a lot."

I walked to the living room to see what was on the tv. There was nothing good to watch, I switched to Netflix and found a Kevin Hart movie to put on.

Cole sat on the floor resting his back on the couch I was lying on. Noah sat on the other end of the couch with his legs crossed. I knew if Taylor saw him she'd call him cute. Then I remembered she wasn't here yet so I went to go look for her.

My breathing was heavy; I was in need of more excersise, but I made my way up the stairs leading to her bedroom. As I opened her the door I was suprised to see Jacob tucking Taylor's loose hair behind her ear, on the bed.

"What the-" I began.
They both looked at me with startled eyes.
"It's not what it looks like." Jacob blabbed.
"Chill. I'm just wondering why you guys haven't been downstairs?...."
"We were just talking." Taylor mumbled.

They both walked past in a rush but before Taylor could escape I grabbed her and hauled her back into the room, shutting the door.

"Care to explain?"
"It was nothing, we were just talking."
I raised my eyebrow, "That didn't look like just talking unless that's how you communicate."
"Stop being childish, you would've done the same thing if I needed assistance."
"Ha, no I wouldn't. Remember the time you walked to school with toothpaste on your lip, I never told you and everyone was looking at you funny."

She sighed.

"Or the time you had food stuck in your front teeth for the whole day and Jacob had to tell you, because I didn't."
"Okay I get it."

"Oh and remember the time you have period blood on your leggings.." I laughed.
"Wait turn around."
She turned immediately, I laughed at her expense as she had a red stain in her light blue leggings.
I laughed hysterically.
"Your so EVIL! That's not even funny." She yelled taking off her leggings.
"I'm-I'm s-so sorry." I said in between breaths.

"I can't believe you, your literally the worst friend ever." She huffed pulling up her shorts, "For your information there is nothing going on between me and Jacob, he doesn't even like me in that way. Okay?!"
"Alright, alright calm down. By the way I wasn't the only one who said nothing about your period leggings?" I concluded leaving her room.

As I walked back into the living room everyone was sat comfortably watching the movie. Cole had annoyingly taken my space on the couch making me have to sit on the floor. To get back at him I sat right in front of view.

"Hey!" Cole scowled.

After a few minutes Taylor sat down angrily on the chair in the corner.

"What's wrong, Taylor." Cole asked.
"I'm fine."
"No your not what's wrong?" Cole persisted.
"I said I'm fine, stop asking."
The room was silent

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