Chapter 2: 6 years too long

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"YOU DID WHAT?! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!" Cole yelled from my phone screen, on house party. I knew he'd act like this after I told everyone I kissed the geek boy or even a boy for that matter.

"I would never expect you to do that.." Taylor laughed.
"It's not funny, the 1st kiss means everything. It connects you unknowingly, it's the power of..... Love." Riley said with conviction.

Everyone else burst into laughter at Riley's ridiculousness.
I rolled my eyes, "Please save your crap for someone who cares. I only did it to keep him quiet - to stop him from snitching."
"If you say so." Riley smirked.
"C'mon be serious! Cayden would never fall in love with anyone she too cold for that." Cole concluded, rustling behind the camera before coming back into view.

"Thank you!" I huffed.
"Was he a good kisser?" Jacob asked munching on a snickers bar, once again.
"He was alright but needs practice."
"How do you know if your a good kisser if you have never kissed anyone?" Jacob asked with a mouth full of snickers.
"Because your dad said so." I sniggered.
"I'm eating, that's gross." Jacob whinned.

"CAYDEN!" I heard a scream from downstairs and my friends equally heard it too.
"Au reviour"

I was finally left in silence but I knew it wouldn't be for long. I quickly ran down the stairs into the kitchen where I found my dad using a tooth pick to dig out what ever it was from his tooth.
I discreetly coughed to get his attention.

"Oh Cayden, go out and buy some alcohol."
My dad gave me a glare that answered my question, I turned on my heel and left the kitchen.

My dad has had issues with drinking ever since my mum died. She left us when I was about 9 years old, from then my dad was never the same. He let his hygiene go, took a bath three times a week if you were lucky. He let his beard grow and every once and a while cut it unevenly. He didn't leave the house except to gamble or to go to work, I think he still has a job... I hope. I've never known what he does whilst I'm at school.

My dad had curly, short, dark brown hair, his skin was on the caramel brown side and had dark green eyes. Sadly, I wasn't blessed with green eyes but brown ones and my sweet brother got the green. Little rat.

My dad looked a lot like my younger brother and I looked like mum, she was darker like me and had looser curls. My brother was that annoying piece of gum you can't get off your shoe and even when you get a chunk off there's still a lot left. I love him and all but he's a sibling, and siblings are so annoying.

Let me tell you more about my brother. His name is Caleb and he's 15 years old. That's pretty much it. He's just boring, loves video games, sports, eating and starting arguments with me and also being a nosey little brat.

Back to my dad, he'd get angry, upset or grumpy in the blink of an eye. I could never bring anyone home. Even the best friends I have now, wouldn't be brought round. Dad has been very unstable and still is, but no matter how hard I try to persuade him or how much the doctors tell him, he never accepts help.

"Can I come?" Caleb smiles coming out of nowhere.
"Why not?" He frowns
"I don't want you to come."
With that I slammed the door before his little mouth could come up with a response.

It was cold outside, sending chills up my body. The moon was whole tonight, illuminating the dark corners of the street. I dug my hands into my pockets trying to prevent the cold touching them. Cars whizzed past causing wind to whip my face. The corner shop wasn't more than 5 minutes away but it felt like I was walking for longer.

I bought the alcohol he liked, beer, and returned home swiftly. My dad snatched the beer from my grasp with a grumble as if to say thank you, returning to the couch with a loud thud. I made my way upstairs, walking quickly into the bathroom. The shower time was my time. This was one of the only moments my dad wouldn't bother me.

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