Chapter 24; 8 Months later

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It was late September and leaves were falling off the trees in London. It has been 8 months since Amber found out she was pregnant.

At Baker Street, John, Sherlock and Amber were painting Johns old room pink.

"Are you having a girl?" John wondered.

"No john, we just want to paint your old room pink. Of course we're having a girl." Sherlock blurted.

Amber laughed and started painting one of the walls.

In the living room was Mycroft and Lestrade trying to put up the baby cot.

"Mycroft can you pass me the screwdriver?" Lestrade asked

Mycroft passed Lestrade the screwdriver. The cot they were putting up was a white and wooden.

Mary walked in with Olivia in her arms.

"We should have a holiday once the baby girl is born" Mary suggested

"Yes. But not abroad, maybe we should go to Butlins?" Amber said while painting.

"Yes, that will be so fun." Mary Said while looking at Olivia in her arms.

A few hours had gone past and the room was finished. It smelt of fresh paint.

"Tea anyone?" Sherlock asked everyone.

"Yes" Everyone said apart from Amber because it makes her feel sick.

Sherlock started making everyone drinks, MyCroft decided to help him.

"My youngest brother is having a child. Seems strange doesn't it?" MyCroft chirped.

"No it doesn't. What do you want?" Sherlock blurted.

"I thought I would help you." MyCroft Said while grabbing two cups and walking to the living room.

Sherlock sighed and grabbed the rest of the drinks and handed them to everyone.

"Amber don't you have a scan tonight?" Sherlock wondered.

"Yes, in an hour."

"Okay." Sherlock said

They all sat down in the living room drinking their teas, and relaxing because of the long day and decorating they had.

It had been an hour and Amber and Sherlock were at the hospital getting the baby checked.

Ambers bump was massive. While she laid on the hospital bed with Sherlock's hand in hers, the doctor was scanning the baby.

"She's all healthy. She's due next month. I would say around late October" the doctor said.

Sherlock smiled and rubbed Ambers hand with his thumb.

Sherlock and Amber got a copy of the scan and walked out of the hospital.

"I'm so exited and nervous at the same time." Amber said

"Me too." Sherlock whispered, leaving a kiss on Ambers forehead.

John was waiting at the pick up point to pick up Sherlock and Amber. They both got in and John drove off.

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