Chapter 25; 26th of October

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"Push" Sherlock shouted to Amber.

Amber was squeezing Sherlock's hand.

"Just a few more pushes Amber." Shouted the doctor.
There she was. Mine and Sherlock's daughter. I sighed with relief. I was scared. I couldn't hear her crying. I looked at Sherlock, he looked at me. Why was he sweating? I laughed and hoped everything was okay.

Suddenly... I heard a cry. It was my baby. I sighed again with relief. All my muscles relaxed. I have never felt so happy.

The doctor handed me my baby girl, I was sweating and my heart was racing. My baby girl had a little pink hat on. She looked just like Sherlock, she had her blue eyes.

I've made it, after all these years from getting abuse from my ex. I have finally made it, I was married with a beautiful baby girl.

A tear slowly fell down Ambers cheek. It was a tear of joy. Sherlock wiped the tear off Ambers face.

"Phoebe" Amber whispered.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"Phoebe Amy Holmes, That's her name." Amber whispered.

"Okay" Sherlock said while rubbing Phoebes head.

Amber passed Sherlock Phoebe, he was scared to hold her, he didn't really like babies. But he loved this one, his own baby daughter. Sherlock kissed Phoebes forehead.

Phoebe opened her eyes and grabbed hold of Sherlock's thumb. Sherlock smiled. A tear rolled down his cheek.

MyCroft walked in, as well as John and Mary. Lestrade and Molly was outside with Olivia.

"Sherlock, may I hold my niece?" MyCroft asked.

"Bye Bye Phoebe, this is your fat uncle, MyCroft." Sherock chirped

Phoebe closed her eyes. She opened them again and touched MyCrofts chin.

This made everyone the room laugh.

"Amber how are you feeling?" Mary asked.

"Really tired."

"bless. I'm so lucky I had a cesarian. Did it hurt?" Mary asked

Sherlock left the room to let Mary and Amber talk, John walked over to Mycroft.

"A little bit" Amber laughed

Mary smiled and looked over at John and Mycroft.

"Hello Phoebe, I'm John. If any boy upsets you. You tell me" John whispered

Phoebe laughed.

The doctor walked in and said "you are free to go. The birth certificate is ready to collect at reception. Phoebe is safe and is ready to go home. Take it easy Amber and enjoy your beautiful baby girl." The doctor said.

Sherlock walked back into the room with a little black pram. MyCroft kissed Phoebes head and carefully placed her inside. John and MyCroft then left the room. Leaving Sherlock and Amber alone.

Sherlock smiled and helped Amber out of bed.

"Where are my clothes?" Amber asked.

Sherlock gave Amber her clothes and walked out of the room with Phoebe to give Amber some space.

Everyone was out side.

"Congratulations Sherlock." Molly Said while blushing.

Sherlock hugged Molly.

Amber walked out of the room, everyone smiled at her.

"Let me take you home" John Said.

John, Mary, Sherlock, Amber, Olivia and Phoebe got into Johns car. Amber was in the front, in her arms was Phoebe, she was fast asleep. In the back was Sherlock and Mary. Baby Olivia was sat in the middle in her car seat.

A few minutes later they arrived back at Baker Street.

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