Chapter 15; Samath's Mum

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The cab stopped out side a block of flats. This was the place. Lestrade, John and Sherlock got out the cab and made their way up to the correct flat.

"This place looks a bit rough" Lestrade mentioned.

"South-East London. Of course it's rough." Sherlock mumbled

They stopped outside a door, it was number 17.

*Knock Knock Knock*

The door opened slightly, only because their was a chain hooked on.

"Who is it?" A women shouted in a deep creaky voice

"It's Lestrade from the Met Police. We spoke on the phone earlier."

Suddenly the door slammed shut. They heard a chain being fiddled about with, then the door opened wide again.

"Come in then" said the women

The women was skinny as anything. She had tattoos all up her neck, arms and even a few on her face. She had black hair and many piercings on her face. She had many wrinkles- even though she wasn't that old- and her eyes were red with big black bags underneath.

Lestrade, Sherlock and John sat on the sofa. It was an old cream sofa that had many holes in it.

"Do you want a drink?" The woman asked them all.

"Yes please, can I have some water thank you." John asked.

The woman went into her kitchen to get some water. While she was doing that, Sherlock was looking around the room. There were cigarette butts lying around. The wallpaper was peeling off. The smell of the room was a strong sent of marijuana mixed with cats urine. Sherlock did not feel comfortable.

The lady sat down on the grubby, wooden floor in front of them. She lit up a cigarette.

Sherlock started to get nervous. He hasn't smelt nicotine for a while. The smell made him crave for one.

"So what is your name?" Lestrade wondered

"Nicole" the lady replied.

John had downed the glass of water. Sherlock looked at him and smiled.

"Nicole, can you tell me what your Daughter was planning to do New Years Eve?"

"I don't know really mate, she told me she was going down Sainsbury's to get an energy drink." Nicole said with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Okay, and did she say if she was coming back. If so what time?"

"Nah, she just said she was going out really" Nicole said picking her fingernails.

"Excuse me? May I use your bathroom?" John interrupted

"Yeh, it's just down there on the left mate" Nicole said while pointing down the corridor.

John nodded and lifted himself of the sofa.

John opened the toilet door. However, it was the wrong room. It was a bedroom.

The room smelt of body Odour and smoke. John walked in carefully and started to look around.

On the left was a broken wardrobe. On the top right hand corner of the wardrobe was a photo. John walked up to it. It was Samatha.

"This must be Samatha's room." John whispered to himself.

John started to look around more. He found an ash tray, a knife, a few blades and some headphones on a desk. Underneath of all that was a laptop.

John tried to turn the laptop on. It was dead.

"Strange. Surely a teenagers laptop would be charged." John said to himself.

Samatha's bed was all messy, it had clothes all over it.

The wall next to her bed had band posters and graffiti on it.

"Slayer, Slipknot, Chelsea Grin. These are all really heavy bands."

John started to walk around the bedroom more. He looked closer at the blades. They were from a sharpener. There was blood on it. John left the blade there, he got his phone out and started taking photos of the room to show Sherlock.

As John was walking out the room he noticed a calendar.

"31st December. Drinks with the lads" John read on the calendar.

John frowned and took a picture of this, as these 'lads' may have been there when Samatha died.

John went to the bathroom and done his business. He walked back into the living room, where Sherlock and Lestrade were asking Nicole questions.

"Okay thank you Nicole, it was nice meeting you." Lestrade mumbled

"Yeh. You too." Said Nicole in her creaky smokers voice.

The three of them left the flat and started walking back to the main road to get a cab.

It was windy outside, leaves were blowing everywhere. Even Sherlock's collar was blown down.

"What were you doing in the toilet for so long?" Sherlock pleaded.

"I accidentally walked into Samatha's room." John chuckled

"Find anything?" Sherlock wondered.

"Yes. I took some photos, here have a look." John Said while passing Sherlock his phone.

Sherlock looked at the photo of the band posters.

"Slayer. Heavy metal, not my kind of thing."

Sherlock then swiped to the next photo.

"Blades and a knife? What was she doing John, self harming?" Sherlock wondered.

"Not sure, we might have to ask Molly for any scars on the body."

Sherlock then swiped to the next photo, it was of the calendar. He stopped so he could see what it said.

"John! Lestrade!" Sherlock shouted.

"What is it?" Lestrade mumbled.

"Look" Sherlock pointed to the photo. " it says with the 'lads' were they there when she was murdered?" Sherlock asked.

"Maybe." Lestrade mumbled.

The three of them got into a cab and the taxi drove off.

"Shall we go to the crime scene under the bridge?" John wondered.

"Yes, I'll get Amber and Mary to come. Amber will love to help out." Sherlock blurted.

"I'm going to have to go back to Scotland's Yard, as I need to update Samatha's files." Lestrade mumbled.

The taxi stopped in the Scotland's Yard car park. Lestrade got out and tapped the roof of the car.

"I'll see you when ever Sherlock" Lestrade shouted

"See ya Greg" John and Sherlock said in unison

And the taxi drive off.

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