Chapter 3; Midnight walk

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Delicately locking the door to 221B, Sherlock began his adventure. He decided not to take a cab tonight, as he didn't know exactly where he was going.

Sherlock had his long, blue trench coat on and his blue scarf wrapped around his Long, skinny neck. He decided to walk down an alley way, where he saw a strange looking figure. The figure was tall however, it was just a fraction smaller than Sherlock. The figure looked feminine and skinny, the curves at the hips left a great shadow behind it.

In a strange voice the figure spoke
"Mr - Sherlock - Holmes?"

Sherlock recognised the voice. Who was it? Was it Mary? Molly? Irene?

"Speak again" Sherlock demanded.

"On a case are we? The figure wondered as it walked towards Sherlock.

Sherlock thought to him self. "Irene?"

"Where's your lover tonight, Mr Watson? Had a fallen out have we?" The figure guessed.

"Me and John are not a couple!" Sherlock shouted.

Suddenly the lamppost that was over the figure turned on. The figure showed up and it was Irene.

"Good evening Mr Holmes" Irene said, with an evil smirk on her face.

"Oh for goodness sake" Sherlock mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"That's no way to talk to a lady is it Holmes?" Irene snapped.

Irene gradually got closer to Sherlock. Sherlock didn't move, he wasn't frightened of her.

"What do you want?" Sherlock mumbled while gritting his teeth.

"You know what I want Sherlock, I want you" Irene crackled.

Sherlock began to get curious. Why was Irene back? And why was she holding a gun?

Pointing a gun at Sherlock, Irene said stupidly "Mr Holmes, would you be going to your brothers party in a couple of months?"

Sherlock frowned at Irene, he was even more confused why his brother is having a random party and why would he invite Irene?

"Why the hell would my brother invite you?" Sherlock exploded.

Irene carefully touched Sherlock's check and laughed.

"Oh Sherlock, why wouldn't he? I wasn't invited darling. But I shall be there when you arrive"

At the corner of Sherlock's eye he saw another figure. Who was it this time? Moriarty? Sebastian?

"Did you miss me" the second figure spoke with an evil tone

"Motiarty, why are you here too?" Sherlock shouted, while frowning at them both.

The figure walked towards Sherlock and Irene.

"Just checking up on you Sheerly , that's all" Moriarty muttered.

Moriarty pulled a object out of his pocket. Sherlock looked frightened. It was a gun.

The sound of Moriarty loading his weapon alarmed Sherlock. Sherlock couldn't do much, he didn't have John with him, or any back up.

Moriarty pointed the gun at Sherlock's heart and a sudden red light struck on Sherlock's head, he could see that the sniper laser beam was coming from the roof tops of the building infront of him. Sherlock's heart rate raised, his hands began to sweat, as Moriarty slowly slipped his finger in and out of the trigger guard.


Moriarty dropped to the floor and behind him: stood Amber.
Amber ran up to Irene and pointed the gun to her head.

"Call an Ambulance, me and Sherlock were not here. It was just you and this stupid sod on the floor, you don't know me and that's how you want to keep it, girl. The bullet came from that direction. You got it? If you say anything different to the paramedics and the police you will be dead too. Understood?" Amber demanded.

Irene's face went white as a ghost. She had fear in her eyes as Amber was wearing a black hoodie and a scarf covering all her face and she just threatened to kill her. Irene called the Ambulance as she watched Amber run past her.

Amber grabbed Sherlock's hand and together they ran all the way back to Baker Street. When they reached the black door with the shiny '221b' on it, Sherlock looked at Amber, gently grabbing her hands. Their eyes caught each other. Both of them were lost in each other's eyes, Sherlock could see the entire world in her eyes and She could see the entire universe in his. It was magical.
Sherlock smiled, Amber just helped him. This made him fall in love with this girl even more.

"Brilliant!" Sherlock mumbled.

Amber laughed at Sherlock kindly.

"Oh no worries Sherlock, it's nothing"

Sherlock smiled at Amber, like he normally does and carefully lifted her right hand into his lips, leaving a soft kiss on Ambers bitter cold hand.

Sherlock and Amber quietly walked up the stairs, trying not to wake Mrs Hudson.

Sherlock turned on the light and took Ambers green coat off her and hung it up. The coat really suited her, as her beautiful wavy blonde hair would flow around it, with her shiny hazel eyes next to her toned, clear skin.

Amber sat down on the sofa while Sherlock took off his trench coat and scarf. Amber followed Sherlock into the kitchen, he started making a cup of tea for Amber and himself.

"Who was that women?" Amber quietly asked Sherlock.

Sherlock turned towards Amber,

"Irene Adler. She's 'the women', just a women to me. She's nothing. Nothing to me. She was meant to be dead not long ago, now she is back." Sherlock consoled.

"I can tell you now Sherlock, she has some great attraction to you. The way she looks at you, the way she touched your cheek" Amber said, confidently.

Sherlock blushed and put the cup of tea on the table that Amber was sat at. Sherlock then pulled out a chair and sat next to her.

"How Long were you there for?" Sherlock asked Amber looking quite angry.

"I got there as soon as she touched your cheek" Amber squeaked.

"How did you know where I was?" Sherlock asked.

"I followed you out the house, stalking you. You never saw or heard me." Amber mumbled.

Sherlock nodded and shut his eyes

"Very well"  He whispered.

They both quietly drank their drinks and talked for hours. Amber told Sherlock all about her life, where she lived, what her dad was like. Sherlock took everything in that she said, he didn't take her eyes of her.

"Shall we sit on the sofa?" Amber asked Sherlock with a warming smile.

Sherlock smiled at Amber and they both got up at the same time and walked to the sofa with the green blanket over it.

Amber sat down on the sofa while Sherlock lit the open fire. He sat next to Amber and they snuggled up watching the logs gradually burn, while they talked about all the cases that Sherlock had solved. Amber put her head on Sherlock's chest while she listened to his calming voice, her hand that he kissed before they came indoors laid on his chest next to his heart.

Sherlock gently kissed her head and started stroking her wavy hair. Ambers body relaxed, she felt comfortable around Sherlock. The warm fire and the feeling of being next to someone she loved made her fall asleep.

Sherlock smiled at Amber as she was fast asleep. He delicately grabbed Ambers head and put his arm under her legs and carried her to his bedroom. As Sherlock was carrying her, Ambers hair fell nicely between Sherlock's fingers and fingertips. He gently placed Amber in his bed, pulling his duvet up to her chin. Sherlock kissed her forehead and smiled.

Sherlock quietly made his way back to the sofa where he eventually fell asleep.

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