Chapter 26; Butlins

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||11 Months later- August||

MyCroft hurry up, we're going to be late." Amber shouted

MyCroft got into Ambers car and slammed the door shut.

In Ambers car was, Sherlock, Mycroft, Phoebe and Mrs Hudson.

In Johns car was Mary, Olivia and Lestrade.

It was 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning in August, it was a sunny hot day.

Phoebe was nearly 11 months and Olivia was nearly 2 years old.

John was leading the way as Amber didn't really know where she was going.

They were going down the motor way to Butlins. In the back of Ambers car, Phoebe and MyCroft were fast asleep.

After 2 Hours in the car they finally arrived. They went to reception and signed in to their hotel rooms.

In one room was Sherlock, Amber and Phoebe. In the room next to Sherlock's was John, Mary and Olivia's room. In front of Johns room was Mrs Hudson's room. In the room next to Mrs Hudson was Lestrade and MyCroft.

"Shall we meet at 1 to go swimming?" Mary shouted in the hall way.

"Okay" Amber shouted back

Amber and Sherlock walked out onto the balcony. Phoebe was crawling around.

There was a knock on the door.

Sherlock went to answer it.

"Hello, is it okay if Olivia stays here she wants to play with Phoebe." John asked

"Sure yes." Sherlock replied

Olivia ran into the room and started tickling Phoebe, she started laughing.

Sherlock went into the fridge and saw a bottle of champagne.

"Do you want a glass?" Sherlock asked walking back out to the balcony

"Yes please" Amber replied.

Sherlock pored 2 glasses of Champagne and walked onto the balcony and put a glass onto the table for Amber.

Amber took a photo of her glass in her hand and posted it on Facebook saying 'first holiday with Sherlock and Phoebe.'

After an hour and a half of relaxing on the balcony, it was time to go swimming.

Amber pulled out Phoebes swimming costume.

"Olivia, we are all going swimming now. Shall we take you back to Daddy so you can get your costume on?" Amber said while grabbing Olivia's hand.

"Okay" Olivia mumbled.

Olivia walked out of Ambers room, holding Ambers hand.

Amber knocked on Johns door.

"There she is" John shouted picking Olivia up.

"We will meet you outside in half an hour" Amber said

"Okay. Say bye Olivia." John shouted while waving at Amber

Olivia waved at Amber and she waved back.

Amber walked back into her room, where she saw Sherlock blowing up Phoebes arm bands.

Amber started to put Phoebes swimming costume on her. It was Blue with flowers on it.

"Are you going in the pool, Sherlock?" Amber asked

"Me swim? No no, I don't swim" Sherlock blurted

Amber laughed and picked up her hand bag and Phoebe, Sherlock picked up his sun glasses and they both left the room.

The three of them walked down the hall way and suddenly they heard a little scream.

"Amber!" Olivia screamed while running down the hall way to Amber and Sherlock.

"Hello Olivia, are you ready to go swimming?" Amber asked

Olivia nodded and grabbed hold of Sherlock's hand. He smiled and held tightly.

Outside was Lestrade and MyCroft. MyCroft was wearing tight swimming shorts.

"What are you wearing brother?" Sherlock laughed

"My swimming shorts. Where are yours?" MyCroft asked

"I don't swim." Sherlock blurted

MyCroft laughed

Phoebe pointed at MyCroft in Ambers arms and she shouted. "My my fat"

MyCroft turned around and saw Sherlock and Amber trying not to laugh.

"What did your daughter just say?" MyCroft asked.

Sherlock and Amber started laughing.

"My my fat" Phoebe shouted again.

"Sherlock control your daughter. She can't even say my name properly." MyCroft shouted while walking off.

The rest of them started walking.

Sherlock shouted "She's only a baby, she doesn't know what she's saying."

MyCroft turned around and started walking backwards, so no one could see his embarrassment.

"Well maybe, 11 months ago if you didn't say I'm her fat Uncle, she wouldn't say it!" MyCroft Said going red with anger.

Amber kissed Phoebes head and they all carried on walking. They were all laughing but they didn't want MyCroft to see.

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