34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1

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     Besides, Yoongi knows her like the back of his hand, and her love of surprises is just one of the many things he knows. Byeol likes to pretend that she hates surprises, but Yoongi can see through her act every time. Her sparkling eyes and subtle smirks always fail to fool Yoongi, no matter how good of an actor she thinks she is. The truth is she simply loves being surprised.

      Her sad (fake) eyes and pout (also fake) don't sway Yoongi in the slightest, but that doesn't mean he won't help her a little. But just a little.

      "I'll give you three guesses. No more, no less." Yoongi states, feeling extra generous. He smiles when the silver sprite practically glows with excitement. She's always loved a challenge; yet another prominent Min trait she inherited.

      "Are we going to a store?"

      Of course her first question is so broad.

      Yoongi reluctantly nods, eliciting a ridiculously pleased smile from B.

      "Does the store we're going to serve sustenance?"

      Sustenance? Yoongi snorts at her excessive vocabulary.

      "No, no more sustenance for a while." Yoongi smiles softly at the pouty girl, "Didn't you just tell me that you couldn't possibly eat any more?"

      "Yeah, I suppose." B obediently follows Yoongi around a group of giggling girls, "Is it- are we-"

      B frowns. After a second of silence she turns to punch Yoongi's chest in frustration, which feels like barely more than a tap to the older boy. Yoongi, of course, doesn't flinch and glances down at the exasperated Byeol with an amused smirk.

      "Don't give me that look!" B gripes, her ears burning in embarrassment as she smacks Yoongi's chest again, "I have the right to be angry! You haven't given me any hints yet, and I don't want to use up my last guess!"

      "I don't think angry is the right word, princess." B's always been a little bit of a hot head, and she has a bad habit of snapping at people if they annoy her, but she very rarely ever gets angry. Yoongi slows his pace as they near their destination, wanting to torture his hot-headed Byeol-ah for as long as possible, "Adorably frustrated, maybe, but not angry."

      B scowls but doesn't argue, not taking notice of the gradual change of pace. Her full concentration remains on figuring out Yoongi's little puzzle.

      "Can I at least have a hint, oppa?" B begs, "Please?"

      We're almost there anyway. I guess it wouldn't hurt anything...

      "Oppa's gonna buy you something extra swag from this store, princess." Yoongi makes sure that his hint is vague enough to not give anything away, "Extra extra swag."

      "Extra swag?" Her eyebrows furrow as she glances down at both of their outfits, "Aren't we already extra swag?"

      "Yup. Oppa made sure of that." Yoongi pulls at his own chain with his free hand, "But you aren't extra extra swag yet. You will be soon, though."

      "Extra extra swag?" Judging by the blank look in her eyes, B is now far more befuddled than she was before the hint. Yoongi smiles in victory, ignoring her hundredth heart-stopping pout of the day, "That wasn't a very good hint! We already look extra swag! How is that supposed to help me?"

      "It isn't." Yoongi snickers, adoring the instantaneous frown he receives.

      "You're mean." B grumbles, pretending not to notice when Yoongi glares over her shoulder at a young man who'd been staring at her for too long, "Now I'm just more confused than before!"

      That's the point. Yoongi shoots her his most wicked grin but doesn't say a word. B grumbles some more, much to Yoongi's satisfaction. If you guess, then it won't be a surprise anymore. And surprises are your favorite.

      "Aren't you going to use your last guess, or are you just going to keep looking like a kicked puppy?"

      "Fine, fine." She huffs, staring at her shoes in deep thought, "Are we... are we going to get Rolex's?"

      Mission accomplished. And just in time, too.

      "Sadly no, princess." Yoongi leads the pair inside the small front door of a popular (and ridiculously expensive) shop, "No Rolex's today. Although you are right; those would make you extra extra swag too."

      "Then where-" B freezes, finally recognizing where they are, "You've got to be kidding me. You're not serious, right?"

      I'm always serious when it comes to you.

      "I'm 100 percent serious, Byeol-ah." Yoongi's deep voice almost sounds excited, "You don't have any big rings yet, and that's a serious crime against Swag. So I'm gonna buy you a couple of big rings."

      I hate it and it's super short, but I really really really wanted to update even though it's super late. The next chapter is probably gonna be ridiculously long, though, so... I hope you aren't mad at me?

      I'm sorry.

      Please VOTE and COMMENT.


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