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The sound of the waves crashing against the shore echoed in my ears. My older brother Malcolm sat about two metres away from me, skipping rocks into the ocean. I stared down at my book, a gift that mother had given me for my thirteenth birthday. I had been re-reading the same line for five minutes.

"Your tiara's slipping Annie," Malcolm snickered, "Don't let Mother see or else she'll have a fit."

I lowered my book, "Whatever Malcolm, why would it matter. Mother wouldn't come down here in a million years." I rolled my eyes.

Malcolm dropped the rock from his hand and turned around to sit straight, facing me.

"Annie, do you ever feel like your supposed to be doing something else?" He asked seriously.

I chuckled, "Of course not! My life is planned! You'll become King, marry a lovely lady and give me loads of nieces and nephews. I'll be put on the council and help you rule the country till you get sick of me."

"But what if I don't want to be King?" Malcolm said quietly.

My smile fell, "Of course you do Malcolm! And if you didn't then well, you don't get the choice. I would never be put into rule, even if I got married! If you're worried about it then just think, You'll be a great King." I reassured.

"Yeah I guess." He muttered.

I put my book back in my bag and sat up straight, "Malcolm what's wrong?"

He shook his head, "I'm just stressed Annie, don't worry about it."

"Malcolm, you can't escape royalty. You were meant to be king." I said, worried.

"Look Annabeth, I just- I don't think that people agree with the decision to make me King. Greece would rather you. Let's be honest, I can swing a sword but I don't know the first thing about anything else. The council have been stressing me out and I don't want to be king. I know I can't escape it, I know that but- I just- I wish I could." He stressed.

"Whether they want me or not is irrelevant. You are older, and you're also a boy, because god forbid we have a single female queen. Grandpa would rise from his grave before he let that happened." I laughed. "You are the perfect option for king. And no one is going to realise that until you step up. I believe in you Malcolm, even if the rest of the world doesn't." I whispered.

He held his head in his hand, "I'll remember that. But I've already surrendered."

"What do you mean?" I asked urgently.

That's when I noticed the group of people walking down the shore. Malcolm stood up and didn't move.

"We should probably go, They could be thieves or something." I told him, but he didn't waver.

"Trust me Annie, we're perfectly safe." He replied emotionless.

I shoved everything in my bag, "Malcolm, I'm not saying this again, Lets go!" I pulled on his arm, I tugged so hard that I fell back, hitting my head on a large rock. I felt blood trickle from behind my head as the sky slowly ebbed into darkness.


Malcolm's POV

Annabeth fell back, hitting her head on a huge protruding rock. I shoved back the temptation to help her and continued waiting for the crew. A small boy, only around Annabeth's age.

"Your Malcolm?" He asked, unimpressed.

"Yep that's me, Malcolm Chase." I answered, "Who are you?"

"Captain Jackson Chase, and don't you forget it." He looked at Annabeth, "Who's that?"

"My little sister, don't worry she's out cold." I answered.

He nodded, "Are you sure you want to do this? It can be dangerous, fun, but dangerous." The captain warned.

I though it over one last time, even though I hadn't stopped thinking since the idea got into my head. Father and Mother would be fine, they have many options go choose from once I leave.  But the thought of my little sister held me back, I didn't want to leave her, but I had too. I wasn't meant to be King, everyone knew. No one would find me out on the ocean, it was foolproof.

"Yeah I'm sure," I answers confidently.

"Alright, Now this is Frank, Leo, and Jason. You'll meet the rest of the crew later." Captain told me.

I took one last look at The castle and Annabeth before walking away, leaving behind my life as a royal forever.


So that's the prologue! Chapters will be longer I promise. This story will be updated every single weekday, Monday to Friday with no weekend updates. I can guarantee that as all the chapters have been pre-written.

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See you in the next chapter!

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