Your 1st date 💞

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Cm Punk: you two decide to go to see a local band when the company is in punk's hometown of Chicago and it's a plus he knows them too so you two get backstage passes as well.

Dolph: Dolph want to you out to a fancy restaurant, he wanted to show you the good life and he can since he is the show off and you couldn't wait.

Daniel Bryan: Daniel want to do something he didn't do with Brie the whole time they dated or was married because you are different, he wanted to take you out and do something spontaneous and you are game so you two decided you would just go with the flow whatever happen during the night was meant to be and it actually turn out be amazing first dated.

Jeff Hardy: you two decided to go see Motocross Jeff loves Motocross and you love trying new things so you both decided to go see it when it was in Jeff's hometown.

Matt Hardy: Matt wanted to take you to a nice artsy place and you love that idea, so you two decided on a place with music and food that is very artistic.

Drew: drew wanted something new and fresh, he wanted to take you somewhere you two could do together for the first time and you both had a good time.

John Cena: John took you to one of his movie premier and you both had a amazing time together, you had never been to one and going to your first with him was something special.

Randy Orton: Randy took you to his house and made you a home cooked meal you two then watched an action packed movie, you had an amazing time with him.

Nakamura: you two where in your hometown and you two decided on going out and showing him the town, he absolutely loved it, he loves sightseeing anywhere the company goes.

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