Shane McMahon And His Wife Bella DarkRose-McMahon

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Request for YuGiOhfan1999

Shane McMahon is backstage in his family's company, WWE, his wife Bella DarkRose-McMahon is helping Kevin Kelly tonight with backstage interviews, Bella is 7 months pregnant with her and Shane's first baby, they know it's a little boy Shane is with his dad going over last minute details for the show tonight which happens to be survivor series 1999 it's one of the company's biggest ppvs all year long, besides WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Royal Rumble. Shane has His sister Stephanie keeping a close eye on Bella because she is 7 months pregnant and anything can help backstage in the company. And Stephanie is closer to Bella then Shane is right now, Shane is in his father's office on the opposite side of the building, Stephanie is around the corner from where Kevin Kelly and Bella are doing interviews. Kevin Kelly is about to do the stone cold Steve Austin interview and Bella is near by. The next few seconds go by quick. And the next thing Triple H attacks Austin and they start to fight, Bella pushes them out of the backstage arena and they all end in the parking lot, Triple H runs off and gets in his car.

Austin looks around and sees the car coming towards him and Bella so he pushes Bella out of the way, hoping she lands the right way and doesn't get hurt because she is 7 months pregnant Austin jumps out of the way and Triple H drives off, Austin turns around quick to see Bella on her back, but she is holding her belly, he yells for help before running over to her, Stephanie hears all this and runs to check on Bella herself, she calls over the radio and let's Shane know Bella is hurt, Shane looks at his dad who gives Shane the go ahead to go, shane runs out to the garage and sees Bella laying on the ground she isn't breathing, the EMT comes over and begin to check you over, Shane is next to you as the doctor says they need to get you to the hospital to check on you and the baby. Shane nods his head and they begin to get you ready for the ride to the hospital. Shane walks over to Austin and gets the full details of what happen, Shane doesn't hold anything against Austin, you being pushed is way better then being hit by the car. The EMTs get everything setup for your ride then they load you up. Shane rides with you to the hospital, they get you in a room and begin running tests, a couple hours later shane is next to your bed, he is praying you and the baby are alright. A few minutes later you wake up and Shane smiles at you "hi sweetie,don't move, I'll get the doctor" as you nod your head and he calls the nurse and doctor who come in and check you over and let you two know you are alright probably going to be sore, the baby your little boy is also alright, the fall didn't hurt you two, you landed just right, kind of on your side when you landed. You two can go home tomorrow morning. They just want to watch you more then baby, because you did hit your head when you fall, you nod your head at them. Stephanie, Linda and Vince come by after the ppv ended and learn you two are alright and get to go home tomorrow morning, Shane let's his dad know you are done with the business until after you give birth to your guys son in 3 months time. Vince understand completely you let Vince know you will be back in about 6 months you want to be home with your guys son for a few months after he is born, Vince understand that too and gives you both the alright.

Shane stays with you during the night then you three go home, Shane works from home most of the time, only going to the Arena for big nights, three months later you give birth to a healthy baby boy you named him Declan James McMahon he is a beautiful happy baby boy, you Shane decide to wait on giving Declan some siblings for a couple years, you go back to work when Declan is 4 months old, you run into Austin and thank him for what he did that night, he saved you And Declan. You will always appreciate him, he is a very good friend. Shane loves his little family and can't wait to have more babies with you his beautiful wife. Declan is the first born out of your three boys you have with Shane, Declan James McMahon, then two years later you two have Kenyon Jesse McMahon then four years later you two have Rogan McMahon and you two continued to live Happily Ever After. With your three little boys.

That's one down of the three for YuGiOhfan1999 they Requested

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