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*Justin's POV*

I'd refused the director's bargain, although his offer was hard to resist.

Still, he had to let Erin and I go now.

The metal bars on the front door slid up, and I felt my heart pounding excitedly.

We were finally getting out of here.

It had taken more effort and strain than necessary, but we managed to do it nonetheless.

"You're making a big mistake, Justin," Director X announced.

"You'll regret this in the future. You'll wish you had taken this opportunity the very moment that it was given to you."

I shook my head and headed over to the door as the two armed men holding Erin released her.

"I may not be able to ever be a human again, but at least I'll be free," I replied, taking Erin's hand and exiting the agency doors.

Even if we're free, I won't be happy until we're far from this place.

I won't be happy until we're home.
*Erin's POV*

"What do we do now?" I thought.

"We're lost, and we don't have even the slightest clue about which direction will lead us home."

We were about an hour away from the FBI agency, with absolutely no idea where we were going.

We'd walked the entire way in complete silence.

I guess we both just wanted some time to think about our separate experiences at the agency.

"Can't you...sense which way is home?" I asked, breaking the distant silence between us.

"I would, but the injection hasn't worn off yet. I'm still...normal. And, besides, my heightened sense of smell probably wouldn't help us...I have a feeling that we're really far away from home," Justin replied.

As he said that, my thoughts flashed to my parents, who were most likely delirious with worry.

We had been gone for an amount of time I wasn't sure of, definitely over a week, and I know they had contacted police by now.

"This is all my fault," I muttered, laughing humorlessly.

My knees weakened as I was hit by intense emotion, letting me crumble to the ground.

"We're stranded out here, with no clue how to get back to where we came from, and all because I made the stupid decision to leave you alone in your house."

I buried my face in my palms, and uncontrollable tears flowed from my eyes.

Trying not to show weakness and be strong for Justin wasn't easy, and this was my breaking point.

Justin sat beside me, and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Erin, this isn't your fault," he murmured.

"You were doing the right thing when you decided to go back home to your family. I'm the one who put us in this situation. This is my fault. If I hadn't left my house, I never would've been taken in to that stupid facility."

I looked at him, wiping a tear from my cheek.

"We shouldn't be blaming ourselves for this," I said.

"It won't do anything for us."

He stood again, then helped me to my feet.

"Let's find a taxi and get a ride back home," I suggested.

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