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*Justin's POV*

This is the third time in a row that I've awoken in the daytime.

I feel like I should be worried about my recent sleep pattern.

It's changing, and not for the better.

But the thoughts of my sleep lasted no longer than a few seconds as Erin passed through my mind.

Why had she suddenly left me yesterday?

I could tell that she was afraid of something when she left, but I'm not sure what it could be.

Erin fascinated me in a way that I couldn't understand or grasp, but whenever I'm around her, I feel strangely comforted.

She couldn't be afraid of me, I would never hurt her on purpose.

So what else could she be afraid of?

*Erin's POV*

My whole night was plagued with dreams of Justin.

Some of the dreams were romantic, and light hearted, while the others were more dark and graphic.

A few of the horrific dreams frightened me enough to wake me from my sleep.

However, in all of the dreams, scary or not, Justin's eyes illuminated purple.

The unusual eyes haunted me in every dream, glowing peacefully but dominantly.

What did Justin say that those eyes meant again?

I think it was something about when his lust for blood increased.

Meaning that no matter how much Justin loved me in those dreams, he would always remain exactly what he was.

A bloodthirsty vampire.
Though it's hard to believe that I would persist to visit Justin after running away from him, that's exactly what I did.

Monday, after school, I told my friends that the "monster" I saw in the woods really was just a prank.

Piper and Jacqueline were happy that I would no longer speak of the false creature in the woods, and they invited me to the ice cream parlor.

"No thanks, I have a lot of homework today," I lied to them.

In reality, I had no homework at all.

What I'd told them was simply a cover so that I could sneak back into the woods without anyone knowing.

Fortunately, they believed me, and started walking home together.

I started pretending to tie my shoelace until both of them were completely out of sight.

Then, I bolted into the woods.

*Justin's POV*

I sat comfortably on my porch, relaxing in its large area of shade.

The sky is very visibly dark, and gloomy gray clouds covered the sun.

Just the way I like it.

Rain is coming.

My favorite type of weather.

Suddenly, my vampire senses kicked in, and an intoxicatingly good smell hit my nose.

The being is moving closer to me.

It's definitely larger than a baby deer...

What I smell isn't an animal.

It's a human.

And the only human that comes into my woods is Erin.

Erin came back?

From the strength of her scent, I can tell that she's not too far away now.

And then I saw her.

She stood right at the entrance of the clearing, staring right at me.

Never had she appeared more beautiful to me.

Her wild hazelnut colored curls framed her face to perfection, and her piercing grass green eyes stunned me momentarily.

And her lips, the rose petal pink color that they were...

Those lips are her most gorgeous feature.

Timidly, Erin approached me.

She stayed a good distance away from my porch once she got close enough.

Why is she avoiding me?

I ran to her, and she backed up, putting more space between us.

Something is definitely wrong.

I placed my hands on either of her shoulders and glanced right into her eyes.

She flinched at my touch.

"Erin..." I whispered.

"Are you afraid of me?"

She glanced to the ground, and I had my answer.

"I promise you, there's no reason to be afraid of me!" I exclaimed.

Anger and hurt built up in my chest, and I knew what would happen next.

Whenever I get angry, I turn rogue.

My senses fully take control of me, and they go on a rampage.

Any living creature that is near me when I'm angry is prone to death.

I've tried multiple times to overpower that part of me, but each of my attempts fail and make my senses go even more ballistic.

Erin gasped, and I'm guessing she saw my eyes turn red.

Not now Justin, calm down.

It's too dangerous for you get angry in front of Erin.

I closed my eyes, and successfully managed to remain calm.

" don't have to be scared of me Erin," I rasped.

"I would never hurt you."

She still looked doubtful.

"I promise not to harm you, ever. I will never bite you, or do anything that is hazardous to you. You're way too special for me to mistreat you Erin," I spoke.

"If you ever feel like I'm a threat to you, run away from me. And don't come back."

Those last words were hard to say, but I knew that a being such as myself could eventually be something that was too much for Erin to handle.

And if that ever happens, I want her to be safe from me.

No matter how much it would hurt me, she would have to go.

Because even if I'm broken, Erin should be whole.

That's the end of Part 6 :)
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