Breaking and Entering

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*Justin's POV*

I wasn't sure if Erin realized it, but I was in a vast amount of pain.

I didn't tell her, but going out into the sun had weakened all of my abilities, including my usually phenomenal regeneration process.

I really have no idea how much longer I'll live.

Unfortunately for me, it might not be for very long.

Erin continued to hold me in her arms.

She was so close to crying.

"You can't keep doing this Justin," she whispered to me, and I could hear her try to keep her voice from breaking.

"I know you want to help me, but you're hurting yourself. I don't want that for you."

I closed my eyes and grimaced.

How am I supposed to tell Erin how I feel about her?

What if she sees me differently after I explain those feelings?

She'll probably think it crazy of me to put my life at risk just for her.

All because of this unfathomable emotion that I possess towards her.

"I'm going to go get some bandages to stop all of the blood," she spoke, her voice once again on edge.

She stood and made her way to the door.

"Erin?" I asked in a soft tone.

She glanced into my eyes, showing acknowledgement.

"Nevermind..." I finished.

Why am I such a coward?

Why is it so hard for me to express what I really feel?

Before she could leave, I spoke up again.

"I don't have any bandages here. I never usually get hurt like this."

It was an excusable cover for what I had really wanted to say.

Erin nodded.

"Then I'll go back to my house and get some. I won't be gone for too long," she murmured, then left.

For now, she doesn't realize how much I care about her.

But I'll have to confess soon because I can't hide my true feelings forever.

And if she's really my friend, Erin won't leave me because of how I feel.

At least, that's what I think.
*Erin's POV*

Leaving Justin's house made me realize how long it had been since I actually left the woods.

I've been here for nearly two days.

My parents and friends must be worried sick about me.

How could I have forgotten them?

Almost pushing the thoughts of Justin from my mind, I ran as fast as my legs would take me.

It was as if I had tossed my life aside and made Justin my priority.

He was important, but so was everyone and everything else.

How could I have been so careless?

The sky casted a descending dark blue color, warning me that evening was approaching quickly.

The edge of the woods was thirty feet away, and I sprinted faster. 

I need to escape these woods and get back to reality.

I crossed the border between the woods and my school, going straight to the back of the school's property.

Of course, when I reached the front of the school, there were no students leaving the building.

Nobody would be at school so late in the day.

I kept running, not stopping for anything whatsoever.

I have to get the bandages quickly and go back to Justin.

Soon, my house came into view.

The lights inside were all off, and my dad's car wasn't in the driveway.

They weren't home.

This is perfect, now I only have to focus on what I came here for.

I snuck inside through an open window in my bedroom, and tip-toed over to the bathroom in the hallway.

Just because no one was home didn't mean I had to be loud.

Opening the cabinet under the sink, I frantically searched for some bandages, gauze or even a first aid kit.

All that was there was a half-empty pack of bandaids and scar removal cream.

"Damn it," I murmured, slamming the cabinet closed.

Then I remembered.

There are some bandages in the garage, I had needed them for a school project last year.

I ran downstairs, nearly tripping twice, but successfully making it to the garage door.

I tried to turn the knob.

However, I was unable to because the door was locked.

"No. No, no, no," I groaned as the doorknob refused to budge.

I looked around, wondering how I could open the lock.

I'm running out of time, my parents could come home at any minute.

Another idea came into mind.

I retrieved a butter knife from the kitchen, and plunged it into the lock.

I've never tried to pick a lock before now, but it wasn't as hard as it seemed.

Twisting it sharply, the lock gave and when I tested the doorknob again, the door opened.

I went inside and sure enough, sitting on top of a shelf mounted to the wall was a roll of bandages.

A door slam echoed from outside.

My blood ran cold.

My parents are home.

The shelf was just out of reach, and I cursed at myself for being too short to get the bandages.

I climbed onto the lower shelves, but still wasn't close enough.

My parents were definitely inside the house now.

I stretched my arm as far as it could go, but still couldn't get to the bandages.

"C'mon..." I grunted softly.

Footsteps approached the garage door.

I jerked forward and snatched the roll from the shelf, and the shelves supporting me collapsed under my weight.

I took no time to pull myself together after falling, but quickly unlocked the back door and ran through it, bolting back in the direction of my school.

Truly, I don't think I've ever run any faster.

That's the end of Part 16 :)
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