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*Erin's POV*

I pressed my head against my knees, holding in tears.

Maybe if I pretend that I'm safe, all of this will go away.

Maybe if I ignore the fact that someone who I care about is after me, I'll be okay.

A rustle in the bushes startled me.

It was coming from behind me.

I knew what to expect.

I turned around, just in time to see Justin trying to attack me.

"No...not you again..." I shook my head and backed away from him.

His hazel eyes came back.

"Listen to me Erin," he said, and I knew that Justin was now speaking.

"The almost up," he groaned, fighting to keep control of his body.

"If you get me into a sunny area, the moon's powers will wear off faster."

He let out a ferocious snarl, and his eyes turned lavender once again.

The slim shards of hazel in his eyes were quickly fading, and Justin managed to finish speaking before becoming hostile once more.

"Now go!" He shouted.

"I can't keep control of myself any longer!"

I slid from my position the rock and took off again.

How long would I have to keep running before reaching a place that was finally safe for me to stay?

*Justin's POV*

There was one thing that I didn't tell Erin.

If I expose myself to sunlight, I could die.

Naturally, vampires aren't made to go into sunlight.

But I knew that it was the fastest way to get rid of this awful curse.

At least until the next full moon.

I also knew that if Erin understood the fact that sunlight could kill me, she wouldn't ever let me near even a ray of it.

She cared about me far too much.

Why did I ever get myself involved with her?

Sure I care about her, but our friendship is highly dangerous.

And even though we just met, I think I see her as more than just a friend...

That could only lead to more trouble.

Even though I promised with my whole heart that I would never harm Erin, I know that I will eventually.

I can't deny my true self forever, and if sending Erin back home is the only way to permanently keep her protected, then that's what I'll have to do.

Because whenever full moons came around, she wouldn't be able to escape me every time.

I glanced at the sky, and could see the sun starting to rise.

The moon's power should start to fade soon.

Now I have to be very cautious, because one wrong move and I could end up burnt to a crisp.

I wish I could've brought my umbrella with me.

As the sun's rays become stronger, the more fatal it will be for me outdoors.

So the faster this curse wears off, the faster I can get home and hide from the sun.

I just hope Erin is okay...

*Erin's POV*

Doesn't the sun hurt vampires?

That was the question that had been on the tip of my tongue when Justin sent me off to find a sunny area for him.

Why would he want me to find something that would be harmful to him?

He did tell me that the curse would wear away faster if he stood in the sun, but if it meant that he might be injured, I would rather wait for it to go away on its own.

I'm all for Justin's well being, but that also meant not allowing him to be burnt alive in the sun.

So there was no way I'd find that sunny spot for him.

Because if that sunlight meant any harm to Justin, I wouldn't ever get involved.

That's the end of Part 11 :)
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