The Beginning

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*Justin's POV*

She came back again.

The human came back into my woods.

But why?

I saw how petrified she was when she realized that I wasn't human.

I wanted to get to know her, and have a conversation with her, but something had stopped me from speaking to her.

A part of me wanted to let her explore me, and help her figure out what I am.

So that was what I had done.

Though it wasn't easy.

Suppressing my hunger for her blood had been extremely difficult.

It had smelled so sweet and divine, pulling me in for just a taste.

If she stayed near me any longer, I would've pounced onto her.

Was it dangerous to get this close to a human?

What if she told others about me, and they came to see me for themselves?

That wouldn't be good.

If she ever comes back, I have to tell her to keep me a secret.

Because if I don't, my life could be endangered.
*Erin's POV*

"Guys, I swear I saw a monster in those woods!" I shouted.

"Will you give it up already Erin?" Jacqueline asked.

"This joke you're trying to play isn't funny!"

"For the last time, I'm not joking!" I argued.

"I saw this creature that looked human! It had the same purple eyes that I've been telling you about!"

"You know what, that's it," Piper groaned.

"I'm out of here, and I'll be at my house until you stop with this whole 'purple eyed monster' thing."

"Same here," Jacqueline agreed.

They walked off together.

I groaned into my palms.

When I finally lifted my head from my hands, I glanced at the woods again.

Even if my friends won't believe me, I'm not going to stop until I figure out what lives in those woods.
After making a quick trip back to my house, I re-entered the woods.

It was dark outside, which is why I brought my flashlight with me.

My mom had wondered where I was going so late, and I lied that I was sleeping over at Piper's house.

I hated lying to my parents, but what I'm doing is important.

Because what if whatever is in those woods is a threat to the people around it?

I walked around for a little while, not knowing where I was going.

Where is that house?

"Hello?" I called out.

"Purple-eyed monster?"

No response.

"Hello?" I tried again.

A shadow appeared in the distance.

It crept forward, still shrouded in darkness.

What the hell is that?

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