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*Justin's POV*

I continued my little stroll through the woods until I smelled something familiar.

Human blood.

Was Erin here?

Voices sounded nearby.

"Ugh, why do we have to do this?" One asked in disgust.

"Oh, shut up. We're being paid to patrol the area, and besides, don't you want to know what crazy thing has been going around murdering animals?" The other answered.

I hid behind a tree, starting to panic.

They're looking for me.

I knew coming out here wasn't a good idea.

"Whatever. At least our shift is over in thirty minutes. And if we don't find anything, we can spare ourselves mental therapy for the next ten years," the first individual replied sarcastically.

"It's probably just some bear or something, no need to act like a chicken about it," the second person muttered.

I decided that it was best to end my journey here and head back home.

Sneaking out from behind the tree, I tried to go back from the way I came.

That's when a beam of light was flashed on me.

My back faced the light, so I couldn't see what the source was.

"You!" One of the voices called out.

I turned around slowly, not making any threatening movements.

Two officers stood about twenty feet away from me, and a truck was behind them.

One officer held a flashlight, which he shone on me.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, you," he responded.

"What are you doing out in the woods, especially so late? Come here."

I figured that it wouldn't be wise to use my super speed in front of these two, so I walked over to them at a normal pace.

I could feel my blood lust taking over.

"Keep yourself under control Justin," I thought to myself.

"What the..." The officer with the flashlight murmured.

He was now staring at me intently.

I moved closer to him, and the more I did, the more fear I could see in his eyes.

I smiled, trying to maintain a friendly gesture.

The cop's eyes fell on my fanged grin, and I immediately knew that I had made a mistake.

The light trembled in his hand, and he backed away from me.

"Oh god, what are you?" He questioned in great fear.

"Ralph, call for backup!"

The other officer pulled out a small black device and started speaking into it.

I didn't know what was happening, but I could tell that it was nowhere near good.

Before thinking, I used my super speed and ran over to the cop with the black device.

I snatched it from him and smashed it before he could finish his call.

"It's not human! That has to be the murderous creature that we're looking for!" The cop with the flashlight yelled.

"Shoot it!"

More panic rose in my chest.

I now had a new objective.

Get out of here alive.

I ran for my life, but moments later I felt a sharp pain in my leg.

Falling to the ground in agony, I looked at my leg to see blood soaking through my pants.

Using my last efforts, I tried to crawl away, but the officers ran over to me.

One of them yanked a strange black object from a belt around their waist.

They pushed a button on it and it sprung out at me, giving me a painful electric shock that knocked me out cold.

The last thing I remember from then are the cold metal cuffs being placed around my wrists.
*Erin's POV*

The very next day, everything went back to normal.

My friends were overjoyed to see me alive; Piper kept hugging me and Jacqueline started crying when she saw me.

All of the people that I knew and associated with almost everyday were glad to have me back with them.

It seemed as if my life had reverted back to before I ever met Justin.

As if I should forget him and move on.

But I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried.

Multiple thoughts of him plagued my mind, and I could only think about how wrong it would be to desert Justin and leave him on his own.

Especially after he poured his heart out to me and confessed his love.

After school, I snuck into the woods as usual, feeling particularly excited to see Justin again.

I wanted to tell him how much I had missed him, and how I didn't want to separate from him anymore.

I bounded up the stairs of his house and knocked on his front door.

After waiting for a few seconds, I received no sort of response, so I knocked again.

Still no response.

I let myself into the house and shouted Justin's name a couple of times.

Nobody answered me.

That was odd, because Justin is usually home whenever I visit him.

I searched the entire place, but no one was there.

It was as if he had just disappeared without a trace.

"Maybe he's out looking for food or something," I tried to convince myself.

I left the property and began my walk back home.

However on my way back to the edge of the woods, I saw something unusual.

Three FBI trucks parked in the woods.

That's the end of Part 20 :)
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