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*Justin's POV*

"Before you get angry, let me inform you that this transformation is only temporary," the director continued to say.

"It turns out that the drug stripped you of your enhanced abilities. And you did tell me that you wanted to be human, so if I were you, I'd be happy."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, wary of his ulterior motives.

"The testing you were forced through was a lot," he answered.

"I figured that it was only fair that I compensate you for your troubles."

Now I had further reason to be suspicious of the director.

First of all, he definitely didn't seem like the type of person to make up for his mistakes.

And secondly, this whole "becoming human" thing feels more like another test than an apology.

"What about Erin?" I questioned, hoping she was safe.

"Did you let her go as promised?"

"Of course!" The director spoke, as if he wasn't capable of breaking a bargain.

But I didn't trust him.

Why would I?

He was a slippery man, and he could easily try and use Erin to blackmail me again.

I had no choice but to take his word for it though, because I didn't have any proof that she was still here.

"How long will I be a human?" I queried.

"At least eight hours. Ten hours at most," he responded.

"And I should warn you now, your strength and speed are still greater than an ordinary human's."

He turned to leave.

"What's the point of keeping me here anymore?" I inquired.

"I'm human now, and I assume that means you have all the test results you wanted."

"You don't get it, do you?" He chuckled, facing me again.

"This is another test. Why else do you think it's temporary? I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon. You were a test subject from the moment you were brought to this facility, and that's what you will be until the day you die. Your whole life from here on out is a test."

I wanted to be shocked at what he'd said, but I couldn't be.

From the minute the director had stepped into the room, I'd suspected that this new transformation was merely another way for him to study me.

And now that I was human, he would only take advantage of the decrease in my amount of strength.

I watched him walk out of the room and called after him.

"You won't get away with this!"

He looked me right in the eyes, and in the few seconds it took for the door to slide shut, said:

"I already have."

It wasn't so much his words that bothered me, but the eerie expression he had on his face while saying them.

A smirk caught between pride and a psychotic grin.

Not only was the director desperate, he was insane.

His mental state should've been obvious sooner, but somehow I'd overlooked it.

I sat down against the wall again and leaned my head on it.

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